
Module 4

I think the most useful thing I have learned from this module is the several different ways to boost your learning through technology. The lesson introduced Thomas Frank’s list of “20 useful websites every student should know” gave examples of everything from google docs to gramarly. Then later in the powerpoint it should some student suggested apps/websites to look into. There are a lot of things that go into a good study app for students and the powerpoint gave a wide variety of apps that can do different things. I already put into practice the time toast resource which helps create timelines to put events into order based on number. It was super easy to use and if I ever have work with dates and events I would highly recommend that one. I would totally put in ideas from the module about memory. The video broke down your brain’s memory like a computer with three parts sensory, working, and long-term memory. I think understand how memory works is important and for example the sensory can only remember things for 2-3 seconds and then would go to the working memory or be forgotten. I think knowing this helps you not get frustrated when you can’t remember material quickly. I would advise students to try everything and see what really works for them for their needs.

Module 3 Discussion

I think one of the many useful things I have learned in this module is the versatility of google. I have never really used google to its fullest potential until now. We learned how to set up a google calendar just for school assignments or social calendar or athletics calendar. The calendar allows for reminders and helps you plan out your week and months ahead so you don’t forget about anything. Along with the activity with google sheets where we tracked out what we really do in a week in 30 minute incraments to see what really goes on. That is where I noticed I have a lot more leisure time than I feel like I do, and that I sleep a healthy amount of hours to be so tired everyday. Then there is Google Keep which helps with notes and more lists to keep track of important information or if you just need to jot down something real quick. Lastly we learned about google tasks which is another google invention where you can keep track of upcoming task on the google platform. Module 3 was about time management and preventing procrastination and with these tools it will help any student become more organized.

Module 2 Discussion

I think the most useful thing I learned in Module 2 is how to deal with group members specifically lazy ones. The video gave tips on how to work with people and how sometimes it’s just a communication error between group members that lead to lack of contribution. Something specific that I learned from this module that I have already used is how to write emails to your teachers. The notes gave an outline and a video example of how to address your teachers in an email when you have questions for them. It worked out great, the teacher responded with a similar outline just for students. I got my question answered by communicating correctly everyone got on the same page. Some ideas from this module that I could put into practice are group collaborating, for it is something important and the module gave tutorials to start improving group communication. It recommended using google docs and showed the many tools that would help with group collaborating on projects. I will be using google docs in future group projects because it is simple and everyone can contribute. This helps to avoid lazy group members and everyone can be on the same page. I would tell students to communicate whenever they have questions or concerns, I really believe communication is the key to online learning.