Edmodo is a fantastic resource to engage students as well as being in constant contact with students and parents!  


When talking with fellow classmates I can compare Edmodo to Carmen. These site aren’t exactly the same but the principles for both sites are very similar. Edmodo provide teachers with a place to post assignments, quizzes, alerts, notes, as well as sharing readings. This site provides archives for teachers to either post readings or share links for the students and/or parents to look at. This site also allows teachers to measure students progress and award badges based on progression ans behavior.

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Edmodo helps students get involved in an excited and engaged way. It also aids in student learning in a way that most students are accustomed to. Teachers can use this digital tool to engage students in learning by posting notes, assignments, readings and even polls and quizzes.

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Edmodo allows teachers to be connected to everything around them. This tool can also provide students with a high quality education by readily making resources available for students and parents.

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Edmodo is a very simplistic way to track students and their progression. The badges awarded to tudents are stored within the site itsself and is available for parents,teachers, and students to view. This is a good way to assess student learning as well as having those assessments recorded.

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Edmodo allows students to personalize their learning using a selection of apps that the site provides. Theses apps are also really useful for the teachers. They can help amp their lessons using digital content and technology.

Content Standard

I don’t think that the website its self has a connecting standard but this site can help teachers teacher any of the standards by incorporating technology. Assignments can be posted and done through this website for any subject or topic.

Assess Students’ Learning

Teachers can view student posts, assignments quizzes, and polls through this website which allows teachers to assess the students’ learning through this site. Everything is store internally through the site and so teachers have all of those things accessible at any time.

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  • All pictures and information was retrieved from https://www.edmodo.com/about?language=en on February 15, 2014.
  • Keep calm photo was retrieved from www.keepcalm-0-matic.co.uk on February 15, 2014.


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