The study of magnetic skyrmions is an exciting field of research that spans the range from fundamental science to potential device applications. Skyrmions are topological spin textures that form as a result of the interplay between ferromagnetic exchange and the Dzyloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) arising from spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in systems that break bulk or surface inversion.
The research in our group includes
- Theory of chiral magnetism at interfaces: Rashba SOC induced DMI and compass anisotropy. S. Banerjee, O. Erten, M. Randeria; Nature Physics 9, 626 (2013)
- Phase diagram of 2D chiral magnets with a greatly enhanced regime of stability for skyrmions. S. Banerjee, J. Rowland, O. Erten, M. Randeria; Phys. Rev. X 4, 031045 (2014)
- Interplay of Rashba and Dressehaus SOC in formation of topological spin textures. J. Rowland, S. Banerjee, & M. Randeria; Phys. Rev. B 93, 020404(R) (2016)
Collaborations with experimental groups at Ohio State
- Chiral bobbers in B20 thin films of FeGe/Si(111) (Roland Kawakami group). A.S. Ahmed, J. Rowland, el al., Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 041401(R) (2018)
- Modeling heli-magnetic domain walls and spin textures in MnGe probed by spin-polarized STM (Jay Gupta group). J. Repicky, P-K Wu et. al., arXiv:2008.00886