
This class has taught me a lot of useful information on how to successfully manage my time and be a more efficient student.  I learned many new online tools and resources that I can utilize to help me with school. One of the module assignments had us look for and write about 5 online web tools which I found really helpful because I was stuck using the same online tools and through that module and looking at the students’ posts I was able to find better web tools than what I had been using. I also learned the many resources OSU has to offer, some of which I didn’t even know about. I also learned better ways of using search engines such as Google to gain better results. This course really showed me how bad of a procrastinator I was and how bad my time management skills were, so the tips offered throughout the modules were really helpful. I was able to take what I had learned and utilize it in my summer class, which really tested my time management skills. I was taking Chemistry 1220 and at the start of the semester m professor told me it was a like a full time  job and that this class requires us to spend at least 36 hours on labs and lecture material which itself made me incredibly nervous. One thing that made wonders of a difference was when we did the time management assignment. I knew I spent my time in a lackluster fashion but until I made that chart I didn’t really begin to realize how much time I was wasting and how inefficient of a student I was being. I would probably have to say that was the most meaningful experience in this course. I also liked how we took those quizzes that showed us how bad of a procrastinator we were, how good our time management skills were, and how we learn. These quizzes really helped me to get a better understanding of where I could improve and how to improve. I was able to implement what I had learned and it was a success. I especially thought the last quiz we took for module 7 was pretty interesting because it showed us what kind of learning style we have because not everyone learns the same and it showed me how I learn best to help me to study more efficiently and better because time is not something I have so wasting it is not an option for me. I also liked how it compared the different categories and told if you were one type how you could improve to incorporate both types of learning styles. I definitely plan on applying what I have learned next semester. I will be in my major taking 18 credit hours of rigorous engineering courses while being an undergraduate teaching assistant and rushing a fraternity so time is something I will not have a lot of. I plan on making a time schedule and planning out each of my days and utilizing the resources I have found through my own research and the research of others for my classes and use the information I have gathered about my learning style to help me to study more effectively and be a better student. Overall, this class was a really eye opening experience and it taught me a great deal and really improved my life as a student for the better.

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