How to Study and Read Effectively

Being able to read and study quickly and effectively is integral to being successful in college. In college there is one thing that students just seem to never have enough of and that is time. Although time management skills are important to have, knowing how to read and study effectively are also very important skills to have. When reading, online especially where there are a number of distractions on the webpage, it is important to read actively. To do this, you first must get rid of any distractions in your study environment. Then, you must determine the purpose of why you are reading what you are reading. To do this, you should scan the entire article or whatever you are reading to get an idea of what it is about. Then, while you are reading you should underline key points and phrases, and before you move on from that section make sure you can summarize and understand what the section was about before moving on. Taking notes while you are reading is a great way to make sure you are being an active reader because it helps you to better recall the material. Now that we have covered how to read effectively, the next thing to cover is how to study effectively. Our brains all have various capabilities to comprehend and remember details, but being able to study creatively increases these innate abilities. For example, infographics, narrated or annotated presentations, timelines, animations, and mind maps are great online creative study tools to utilize to help you study more effectively. The more creative and active you are involved in when creating your study tools, the better you will be able to remember that material. These tools help you to see the relationships between and among concepts to get a better picture of what was learned. These require the use of both sides of your brain, which means more brain power. Using these online study tools and tips to become an active reader, you will be able to better comprehend reading material from class in a quicker period of time and you will also be able to remember what you have learned for a longer period of time. Now, you have the tricks of the trade to study and read effectively for college. Good luck!

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