Welcome to our homepage!
We are a semiconductor research group at The Ohio State University with a focus on wide-band gap semiconductors including Gallium Nitride, Aluminum Nitride, and Gallium Oxide. Our research projects involve creating and building new device designs by harnessing new semiconductor heterostructures, advanced fabrication technologies, and epitaxial growth of novel materials. The applications of our work include high-frequency (mm-wave/RF) devices, energy-efficient power electronics, and visible/UV optoelectronics.
For more information on current and past group members, click here.
To see our recent publications check out Google Scholar or this page.
You can check out the specialized laboratories and equipment we use in our research here.
Recent news and updates
June 2024: Congratulations to Sheikh Ifatur Rahman for successfully defending his dissertation
May 2024: Congratulations to Sushovan Dhara for successfully defending his dissertation
Nov 2023: Congratulations to Sushovan Dhara for winning the Presidential Fellowship
Nov 2023: Ifat’s recent paper on “Demonstration of multi-active region p-down green LEDs with high quantum efficiency” has been selected as a “Spotlight Paper” in JJAP
July 2023: Congratulations to Hyunsoo Lee for successfully defending his dissertation on “Engineering Lateral Electric Field and Carrier Profile for GaN-based Power Devices”
November 2022: Congratulations to Mohammad Awwad for successfully defending his dissertation on “Design and Modeling of Tunneling-Enabled III-Nitride Optoelectronic Devices”
August 2022: Congratulations to Sheikh Ifatur Rahman on securing first place at the 2022 Kraus Poster Competition.
August 2022: Congratulations to Agnes Maneesha Dominic Merwin Xavier for being selected for the 2022 DRC Best Student Poster award.
July 2022: Congratulations to Mohammad Wahidur Rahman for successfully defending his dissertation on “Advanced Electrostatic Engineering for III-Nitride Power Devices”
July 2022: Congratulations to Nidhin Kurian Kalarickal for successfully defending his dissertation on “Epitaxial and Electrostatic Engineering in beta-Ga2O3 lateral devices”
April 2022: Congratulations to Ashok Dheenan who has been selected for Defense Associated Graduate Student Innovator Fellowship.
July 2021: Best wishes to our four summer undergraduate researchers, Owen Ekechi, Jess Walker, Deontre Wright, and Deontae Wright who complete the OSU College of Engineering Accelerate program this week!
July 2021: Congratulations to Zane Jamal-Eddine for being selected for the 2021 DRC Best Student Paper award.
July 2021: Congratulations to Zane Jamal-Eddine for defending his dissertation on tunnel junction-enabled III-Nitride light-emitting diodes
April 2021: Congratulations to Nidhin Kurian Kalarickal for winning the Presidential Fellowship
April 2021: Congratulations to Towhidur Razzak for successfully defending his dissertation on UWBG AlGaN Transistors
August 2020: Zane’s paper on “Fully transparent GaN homojunction tunnel junction-enabled cascaded blue LEDs” discusses our recent DOE-sponsored work on multi-active region LEDs, and was selected as an Applied Physics Letters “Editor’s Pick”
August 2020: Shahadat Sohel defended his dissertation on ” III-Nitride Transistors for High Linearity RF Applications”! Congratulations Dr. Sohel
May 2020: Congratulations to Dr. Zhanbo Xia for defending his Ph.D. dissertation on “Materials and Device Engineering for High-Performance β-Ga2O3-based Electronics”
May 2020: Congratulations to Towhidur Razzak who was selected to be an OSU Presidential Fellow
March 2020: Towhid’s recent paper on BaTiO3/AIGaN heterojunction diodes is featured in Semiconductor-Today
March 2020: Our recent work on SmTO/STO constriction transistors has been featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Electronics
January 2020: We welcome Andreas Fiedler who is joining our group as a post-doctoral scholar. Andreas was selected as a President’s Post-doctoral Scholar
January 2020: Towhid’s “BaTiO3/Al0.58Ga0.42N lateral heterojunction diodes with breakdown field exceeding 8 MV/cm” was selected as Editor’s Pick
December 2019: Congratulations to Shahadat Sohel for being named an OSU Presidential Fellow in recognition of his PhD work
September 2019: Nidhin won the Outstanding Student Paper Award at the North American MBE Conference NAMBE
September 2019: Towhid’s recent paper on AIGaN MESFETS is featured in Semiconductor Today.
August 2019: Hareesh’s article “Velocity saturation in La-doped BaSnO3 thin films” is featured on Applied Physics Letters
July 2019: Towhid’s article “Design of compositionally graded contact layers for MOCVD grown high Al-content AlGaN transistors” is featured on Applied Physics Letters
November 2018: Towhid’s work on high composition AlGaN featured in IET! – “High metal channel”
September 2018: Congratulations to Zhanbo Xia and Sriram Krishnamoorthy for winning the 40th JSAP Outstanding Paper Award
June 2018: Congratulations to Prof. Rajan for winning the Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education!
May 2017: Congratulations to Choong for his work being reported in nanotechweb.org
April 2018: Our papers on Gallium Oxide Schottky diodes and delta-doped transistors both featured in Semiconductor Today
April 2018: Our recent paper on modulation-doped Gallium Oxide was the Featured Article in Applied Physics Letters, and featured in phys.org, New Electronics, Power Technology, and Nanotechnology News
January 2018: Yuewei’s work featured on the OSU ECE website! “Creating a safer UV light source“
October 2017: Congratulations to Prof. Rajan for winning the NAMBE Young Investigator Award at NAMBE 2017!
October 2017: Congratulations to Choong Hee Lee for winning the Outstanding Student Paper in NAMBE 2017!
Oct 2017: Congratulations to Yuewei Zhang for winning the best paper award at ISSLED 2017!
May 2017: Our latest paper by Yuewei on tunnel-injected UV LEDs is in Editor’s Picks.
May 2017: Congratulations to Choong for his work being reported in nanotechweb.org “Layered 2D dichalcogenides grow on 3D semiconductors”
April 2017: Congratulations to Yuewei Zhang for winning the prestigious OSU Presidential Fellowship!
April 2017: Our latest paper on Delta-doped β-gallium oxide field-effect transistors is a Spotlight article on Applied Physics Express.
March 2017: Congrats! Choong’s paper titled “Molecular beam epitaxy of 2D-layered gallium selenide on GaN substrates.” is recently published in JAP (JAP 121, 094302 (2017)).
Feb. 2017: Congrats! Choong’s paper titled “A self-limiting layer-by-layer etching technique for 2H-MoS2.” is recently published in APEX (Applied Physics Express 10, 035201 (2017)).