(Current Service from 2017-Present)

  1. Founding Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education (IJARE) ISSN 2577-512X (Online) ISSN 2689-3185 (Print) DOI:
  2. Copy Editor, Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME)
  3. Editor, International Journal of Doctoral Studies (IJDS)
  4. Senior Reviewer, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM)
  5. Associate Reviewer, International Journal of Community Development and Management Studies (IJCDMS)
  6. Reviewer, Muma Business Review (MBR)-University of South Florida’s Muma College of Business
  7. Reviewer, Muma Case Review (MCR)-University of South Florida’s Muma College of Business
  8. Reviewer, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JSPTE)
  9. Associate Reviewer, International Journal of Community Development and Management Studies (IJCDMS)
  10. Associate Reviewer, Journal of Digital Innovation for Humanity (JDIH)
  11. Associate Reviewer, the INDIRE Annual International Conference (INDIRE2021)

(Previous Service from 2017-2021)

  1. Editor, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM)
  2. International Reviewer, InSITE 2018: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: La Verne California
  3. International Reviewer, In SITE 2019: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem, Israel
  4. Associate Editor, Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL)
  5. Associate Editor, Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE: Research)
  6. Associate Editor, Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovation in Practice (JITE: IIP)
  7. Associate Reviewer, International Civil Aviation Organization Scientific Reviews of Civil Aviation Analytics and Management (SRCAAM)
  8. Reviewer, Southwestern Oklahoma State University-Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research (AIJEPR)


  1. Quantitative Research Study: Educational Leadership Doctoral Faculty Qualifications and Practitioner Experiences in Georgia – Steven Tolman, Ed.D., Juliann Sergi McBrayer, Ed.D., & Deborah Evans, Ed.S. – Georgia Southern University, GA. (Published in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies – IJDS).
  2. Qualitative Research Study: A New Typology Design of Performance Metrics to Measure Errors in Machine Learning Regression Algorithms – Alexei Botchkarev, Ph.D. – Principal of GS Research & Consulting and an Adjunct Professor with the Computer Science Department at Ryerson University. Toronto, Canada. (Published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management – IJIKM).
  3. Mixed Methods Study: The Impact of Preservice and New Teachers’ Involvement in Simulation Workshops and Their Perceptions about the Concept of Conflict in Education – Esmael Salman, Ph.D. – Head of Computer Science Department & Chair of the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Center, & Amtiaz Fattum, M.Sc., Lecturer, Researcher, & Advisor for ICT and Computer Science Education – The Academic Arab College, Haifa, Israel. (Published in Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning-IJELL).
  4. Mixed Methods Study: Knowledge Gain: A Perspective of Online Communities of Knowledge Sharing- Haili Pan, Ph.D. – Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, China & Jianjun Liu and Shiyong Zheng – Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China. (Authors withdrew for Publication in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management – IJIKM).
  5. Qualitative Research Study: An Archetypal Analysis of Doctoral Education as a Heroic Journey– Daniel W. Salter, Ph.D. – Walden University, Minneapolis, MN. (Published in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies-IJDS).
  6. Mixed Methods Study: PhD Students’ Background and Program Characteristics related to Success in Kenyan Universities–Hyrine Mueni Matheka, Ellen E.P.W.A Jansen, and Adriaan W.H.A Hofman– University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands. (Pending publication in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies-IJDS).
  7. Qualitative Research Study: Turkish Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Digital Citizenship in Education Programs– Ridvan Ata, Ph.D., and Kasim Yildirim, Ph.D. – Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, Turkey. (Published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, JITE: Research).
  8. Mixed Methods Study: The Practicality of Learning Management Systems in Education as The Platform for Remote Learners-Viktor Shurygin, Ph.D.-Kazan Federal University, Yelabuga, Russia- Anna Berestova & Tatiana Litvinova- I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia- Eugeny Kolpak, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia- Alesya Nureyeva, Yelabuzhsky Institute of Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University, Yelabuga, Russia (Authors Withdrew Manuscript in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, JITE: Research).
  9. Qualitative Research Study: The Validation of Assessment Tool and Theory to Mentor Doctoral Students with Integrity and Trustworthiness-Laura Roberts, Right Angle Educators, West Cape May, New Jersey (Published Publication in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies – IJDS).
  10. Quantitative Research Study: Consumer Engagement in Online Brand Communities: Community Values, Brand Symbolism and Social Strategies – Haili Pan, Ph.D. – Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, China. (Published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management – IJIKM).
  1. Qualitative Research Study: Redesigning an Introductory Programming Course to Facilitate Effective Student Learning: A Case Study – Cynthia Corritore, Ph.D. – Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, and Betty Love, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska (Published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovation in Practice – JITE:IIP).
  2. Mixed Methods Study: The Effect of Designing and Segmenting Instructional Video. Penny Thompson, PhD, Ying Xiu, PhD, Jessica Tsotsoros, PhD, Michelle A. Robinson, PhD. Oklahoma State University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Oklahoma, University of Central Oklahoma. (Published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, JITE: Research).
  3. Mixed Methods Study: The Challenges of Online Teaching in COVID19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Public Universities in Karachi, Pakistan. Huma Akram, Ph.D. Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, Sarfraz Aslam, Ph.D. Shaanxi Normal University, Xian, China, Atif Saleem, Ph.D. Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China, Khalida Parveen, Ph.D. Southwest University, Chongqing, China. (Published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, JITE: Research).
  4. Qualitative Study: Similarities and Differences in how supervisors at Canadian and UK institutions understand Doctoral supervision. Caroline Kreber, Ph.D., Cape Breton University, Canada, Cyril Wealer, Ph.D., University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg, and Heather Kanuka, Ph.D. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. (Published in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies – IJDS).
  5. Qualitative Study: A Multilayered Approach to Understand and Imagine Doctoral Students’ Spaces of Learning. Serveh Naghshbandi, Ph.D. University of British Columbia, Canada. (Pending Publication in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies – IJDS).
  6. Quantitative Study: Meaningful or Meaningless? Organizational Conditions Influencing Doctoral Students’ Mental Health and Achievement. Francesco Tommasi, Ph.D., Ferdinando Toscano, Davide Giusino, Andrea Ceschi, Riccardo Sartori, Johanna Lisa Degen. University of Verona, Italy, University of Bologna, Italy, and European University of Flensburg, Germany. (Published in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies – IJDS).


The Ohio State University, Department of Educational Studies National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Award#2000472 | $1,498,259.00 Facilitating Pathways to Success for High-Achieving Pre-Collegiate African American Males in STEM” Research activities including data collection, analyses, and dissemination; other duties as assigned. Dr. Edward Fletcher (Principal Investigator), Dr. Victor Hernandez-Gantes (Co-PI), Dr. James Moore III (Co-PI), Dr. Nicholas Minar (Co-PI), Dr. Barbara Boone (Co-PI). Retrieved NSF Grant Award Abstract at

Principal Investigator, American International College, Graduate School of Education Dissertation Study: “Faculty Perspective on Online Teaching in Higher Education”. Committee: Nicholas Young, PhD, EdD, MBA; Christine Michael, PhD, MAT; Nadine Bonda, PhD. For phase I: completed faculty interviews and surveys addressing the challenges related to online teaching in higher education. Qualitative research methods and design of the study. For phase II: completed literature reviews and gathered data collection and coded for study themes, recurring patterns, and co-occurrences. Managed and collaborated with a research team of twelve tenure-track faculty members at four colleges and universities in the U.S. on research methodology, data collection, instrument design, and other aspects of managing research study.

Doctor of Education Applied Fieldwork, Hofstra University School of Education Dean’s Office. Supervisors: Sean Fanelli, PhD, and Nicholas Young, PhD, EdD, MBA. Analyzed the planning of academic programs, institutional resources, and budgeting. Explored and interpreted Qualitative and Quantitative research methods.

Graduate Researcher, Hofstra University School of Education. Supervisors: Jonathan Lightfoot, PhD, Ed.M., and Sean Fanelli, PhD. Evaluated and analyzed race, color, ethnicity, gender, and society, PTSD, and HIV/AIDS. Examined socio-cultural perspectives on factors affecting African Americans’ graduation rates in higher education.


Web-based Learning Apprenticeship Program for African American Males in Postsecondary Education



Oppong, S., & Quayson, F. (2021). Journey to financial literacy and freedom. Little Rock, AR: J. Kenkade Publishing. ISBN# 978-1-955186-05-6

Young, N., Jean, E., & Quayson, F. (2017). From lecture hall to laptop: Opportunities, challenges, and the continuing evolution of virtual learning in higher education. Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing. ISBN# 978-0-9972489-6-8


 Quayson, F. O. (2017). Faculty Perspectives on Online Teaching in Higher Education (Order No. 28870068). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2624620199).

 Book Edited:

Starnes, Paula. (2022 in press). Effective teaching from a Black perspective. (Pending publication).

Book Chapters:

Quayson, F. (2023). Career advancement and trajectory in higher education. In Antione Tomlin (Eds.) The Handbook for Aspiring Higher Education Leaders. Information Age Publishing. *Invited to submit book chapter by March 11 by Book Editor

Quayson, F. (2022, accepted). Career transitioning with mind, body, and spirit during COVID-19 pandemic. In Donna Y. Ford and Richard Williams (Eds.) Healing in While Studying: Reflections and Strategies for Healing, Coping, and Liberation of Graduate Students of Minoritized Identities. Information Age Publishing. *Book chapter contract signed, Pending publication

Quayson, F. (2022, accepted). The way forward. In Starnes Paula (Eds). Effective teaching from a Black perspective.

Peer-Reviewed Book Reviewer:

Associate Reviewer, COVID-19 and Education: Learning and Teaching in a Pandemic-Constrained Environment. Informing Science Press.

 Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Online & Distance Education/EdTech Articles (selected)

Quayson, F., & Zirkle, C. (2023). A 5-week Personalized Training Workshop To Assess and Evaluate Faculty Members Teaching Online. Journal of Research Initiatives, 7(2). Article 5.

Quayson, F., & Zirkle, C. (2022). Ten best practices for designing an online course. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education, 5(1). *Pending Publication.

Quayson, F., & Zirkle, C. (2022). Practical leadership in implementing online education programs. Journal of Research Initiatives, 6(3). Article 7.   

Quayson, F. (2022, June). Faculty perspectives on online teaching in higher education: A qualitative approach to understand faculty members’ challenges and experiences. Journal of Research Initiatives, 6(2), Article 9.

Quayson, F. (2018, October). The feasibility of establishing a private international virtual high school in Ghana. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education, 1(1), 1-16.

Adult Education Articles (selected)

Quayson, F. (2022, May). Reflective practice, mentoring, and self-renewal in professional development for adult learners. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education, 4(2), 1-8.

Quayson, F. (2019, November). The continuing education of adult development and lifelong transformation: A multidisciplinary approach to promote adult learning. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education, 2(1), 1-8.

African American Education Articles (selected)

Quayson, F. (2021, May). Sociocultural perspective: The factors affecting African Americans’ graduation rate in higher education. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education, 3(2), 1-16.

Higher Education Leadership and Research Articles (selected)

Quayson, F. (2019, November). The importance of inclusive leadership practice in higher education administration. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education, 2(1), 1-9.

Quayson, F. (2019, November). Understanding action research methodology as a strategy to reflect, design, implement, refine, and gather data to explore questions of professional interest. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education, 2(1), 1-13.

Blog Articles (Peer-reviewed)

Quayson, F. (2022, August). A guide to career decisions. Qualitative Researcher.

Quayson, F. (2022, July). Creating a five-year plan for your doctorate. Qualitative Researcher.

Quayson, F. (2022). Should I do a postdoc if I want an industry career? Six things to consider. Qualitative Researcher.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations:

Quayson, F. (2022, November). African American male community college students’ perceptions on earning industry certifications in career and technical education. Roundtable Presentation at ACTER 2022 Conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Quayson, F. (2022, November). Advancing racial equity in postsecondary career and technical education: A qualitative approach to understand access and participation for African American males. Poster Presentation at ACTER 2022 Conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Quayson, F. (2020 July, 31). Inclusive leadership and social-cultural influences in higher education. Academics United for Change. Zoom virtual conference

Quayson, F. (2020, August). The Interdisciplinary Journal of Advances in Research in Education. Zoom virtual conference

Peer-Reviewed Conference Attended:

ACTER CTE Research and Professional Development 2022 Conference, Las Vegas, NV. November 28-30, 2022, at Las Vegas Convention Center. Association for Career and Technical Education Research. The conference is held in conjunction with the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) CareerTech VISION 2022. The conference theme is Doubling Down on CTE Student Success.

ECMC Foundation’s 2022 CTE Leadership Collaborative Convening will take place Tuesday, October 18 – Thursday, October 20, 2022, at the Doubletree by Hilton Downtown Nashville in Nashville, TN.

Quantitative Methodology Center 2022 Conference, The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology – Why Does Quantitative Research Matter? Columbus, OH. June 1-2, 2022. Role: Virtual Moderator. Hybrid Conference.

American Educational Research Association [AERA] 2022 Annual Meeting- Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century (April 21-26, 2022). San Diego, CA. In-person attendee.

Association of Career and Technical Education CareerTech Hybrid VISION 2021, New Orleans, LA. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, December 1-4, 2021. (In-person).

The Henry Ford College Black Male and Queens Focus Group (BMQFG) Second Annual Black Male Retention: Best Practices and Student Success Conference (April 13 – 16, 2021) A virtual conference.

Collegiate and Young Professional Conference (April 1 – 4, 2021). Elevate. A virtual Conference

Beyond the Professoriate. Career Options for Humanities and Social Science PhDs. (March 26, 2021) A virtual conference.

Online Learning Consortium OLC Innovate 2021 and MERLOT. Education Reimagined. March 15 – 19, 2021. A fully online/virtual conference.

Informing Science Press (2020 Sept) COVID-19 and Education: Teaching and Learning in a Pandemic-Constrained Environment.

Northeastern University Graduate Admissions, Boston, MA. Diplomacy and International Relations in the Trump Era. November 15, 2017, from 6 pm-8:30 pm ET. The Snell Engineering Center, Room 108. U.S. Diplomacy discussion with Three former Ambassadors; One American, One German, and One Kyrgyz. (In-person).

Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education. (2014 Feb). Scholarship PBCOHE. PA (In-person)

Invited Presentations

Panelist Speaker for Black History Festival at Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel, Columbus, OH. (02/15-18/2023)

Keynote Guest Speaker for Black History Month at Springfield Realization Academy, MA (February 17, 2022)

Guest Speaker for First Education Experience Program Students of Color at Ohio State University (02/22/2022)

Guest Speaker for First Education Experience Program Students of Color at Ohio State University (11/08/2022)


Proctor for Math and Physical Sciences Ph.D. level Oral Presentations at Hayes Research Forum, The Ohio State University CGS

Student Ambassador for Department of Educational Studies, The Ohio State University

Chaperone for Year One Minority Medical Scholar Pipeline Program, Hofstra University, Northwell-LIJ School of Medicine

GRANTS (worked on)

National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Award#2000472 | $1,498,259.00

Title: “Facilitating Pathways to Success for High-Achieving Pre-Collegiate African American Males in STEM”

Dr. Edward Fletcher (Principal Investigator), Dr. Victor Hernandez-Gantes (Co-PI), Dr. James Moore III (Co-PI), Dr. Nicholas Minar (Co-PI), Dr. Barbara Boone (Co-PI). Retrieved NSF Grant Award Abstract at

GRANTS (received/awarded)

ECMC Foundation Postsecondary Career & Technical Education Research Fellow

Principal Awardee: Felix Quayson

Research Sponsors: Edward C. Fletcher, Jr., Ph.D. & Christopher Zirkle, Ph.D.

Research Mentor: Mickey Kosloski, Ph.D.

Title: “African American Male Community College Students Perceptions of Earning Industry Certification in Career and Technical Education”  at North Carolina State University, 2022-2023

Enterprise Holdings Independent Research Grant 

Principal Awardee: Felix Quayson

The Ohio State University Office of Diversity and Inclusion (P4P)