Felix Quayson’s Teaching Philosophy
During my teaching experiences at the graduate, undergraduate, international, and online levels, I have committed myself to delivering a stimulating classroom where students come to learn, discuss, shape, and train to acquire transitional and transformational learning skills, College and Career Readiness skills, and Career and Technical Education and Workforce Development skills. My professional goal is to have students meet their full potential through hands-on activities to explore curiosity, social-emotional intelligence, and mental health wellness. I pride myself in embracing the pluralism of diverse social identities that students prefer to be called as well as in enriching learning experiences. I encourage students with feedback on assignments, discussions, and projects. I motivate students to become independent learners where they can further discover innovative ways to think more creatively about the field in which they are about to enter or explore.
I believe that there are four essential elements in my professional teaching philosophy: (1) I subscribe to constructive critical thinking, (2) I become vulnerable because of my approach to pedagogy and the fact that I give my perspectives and subject matter expertise on lessons and learning materials, (3) I emphasize on case study approach on issues, challenges, topics, and technical concepts to communicate to students and researchers, and (4) I implement and execute change-oriented strategy design to impact solutions through career professional development.
I am morally obligated to bring a positive attitude, open-mindedness, and high expectations to the classroom to foster an engaging and cooperative learning environment for all students regardless of socioeconomic background or social stature in society. I highly encourage students to be respectful of each other and prioritize self-discovery through learning. I am open to students’ feedback and interests to help bolster my professional knowledge as a scholar-practitioner. My goal is to advance teaching, research activities, and professional services through policy contexts, international comparative analysis, and governmental exchange programs. I would like to continue to contribute to the education field in years to come.
In addition to teaching in the classroom, I have had the rewarding experience of mentoring doctorate, master’s, bachelor’s, and high school students. My interactions have enriched the values I hold as important to my teaching interests. I have come to understand that each student in my classroom learns differently and how they are trained significantly varies in academic settings. However, I am committed as a teacher to having students contribute to what they value as important to professional development in the range of cultural and social ideals. I aim to teach students how research aligns with educational training, the challenges they each face in the world, and the opportunities they can cultivate in professional and personal experiences.
Texas State University, Round Rock, TX, USA. August 2021-Present
Courses taught:
OCED 3350.007- Intro. Interdisciplinary BAAS- 1st 8 weeks- ( 8/21-10/09)
OCED 4350.007- Adult Development and Career Planning- 2nd 8 weeks- (10/10-12/08)
OCED 4360.007 and 4361.007 – BAAS Capstone Spring 2024 – 1st 8 weeks and 2nd 8 weeks
University of the People, School of Education, California, USA. Faculty Member, online M.Ed. in Advanced Teaching program, May 2020-2023
Courses taught:
EDUC 5010: Education in Context: History, Philosophy, and Sociology (3 credits)
EDUC 5210: Learning Theory and Implications for Instruction (3 credits)
EDUC 5220: Curriculum Design and Instructional Decision Making (3 credits)
FAS 807 EDU Program Curriculum Mapping – AY2022 – T2 (Committee Member)
FAS 808 EDU Assessment of Student Learning Outcome – AY2022-T3 (Committee Member)
King Saud University, Department of English and Language Learning, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Faculty Member, Common First Year Deanship Program, Jan-April 2020
Courses taught:
ENG 116: English for Academic Purpose to First-Year Science, Nursing, and Medical Students
[Listening, Speaking, Writing, and Reading] (5 Credits)
Texas A&M University System, Texas, USA. University Faculty, Undergraduate level, Autumn 2019, August-December 2019
Courses taught:
COMS 1315: Fundamentals of Public Speaking (3 credits)
COMS 1321: Business Professional Speaking (3 credits)
Washington Adventist University, Graduate Professional Studies, Maryland, USA. Adjunct Professor, Master of Arts in Healthcare Administration, January 2015-February 2016
Courses taught:
HCAD 530: Healthcare Problem Solving Skills (3 credits)
HCAD 560: Healthcare Delivery Systems and Project Management (3 credits)
HCAD 620: Healthcare Risk Management and Policy Issues (3 credits)