Preparation for Research in Quantum Information Science

Quantum Information Science is one of the “hot” topics in physics, electrical and computer engineering, computer science, high-performance computing, and materials science and there is a lot of student interest in learning more about the field and potentially studying the topic and considering it as a future career path.  Much of the early research in quantum information science originated in the United States, but now you can find many of the leading players in the field in laboratories around the world in academia, national laboratories, and companies of all sizes.  Likely, we will witness very large growth in research and development in the field of quantum information science over the coming decade and beyond; now is a very good time to launch a career in this exciting area that has the potential to transform the technologies around us and perhaps even our society.  Below, I give some advice regarding preparation you might consider if you are interested in doing research (or just learning more) about quantum information science.  I also give links to interesting reports and news about the field.

BREAKING NEWS The Ohio State University (OSU) has received substantial funding from the National Science Foundation to develop an undergraduate curriculum in Quantum Information Science (QIS). The project, known as QuSTEAM (Quantum Science Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) is using evidence-based methods to design an undergraduate minor in QIS. The first course, which does not have any prerequisites and is open to anyone at OSU, will be taught in Spring 2022 by Dr. Chris Porter. It is PHYS 2194, Quantum Information: The Second Quantum Revolution. The next two courses in the sequence will be taught in the 2022/2023 academic year, and the next two the following year.  These courses will also roll out soon at the QuSTEAM partner institutions and there will likely be online/remote access.


There are exciting developments for educational materials for K-12 learners.  We should be seeing a lot more coming in the near future.

UndergraduateFor students at OSU:  Consider taking the QuSTEAM courses.  The list of topics I give below is quite daunting.  The problem is that you probably do not need full courses in any one of the topics I list below because they cover many topics that might be interesting and traditional, but are not needed to jump into learning more about quantum information science.  My suggestion is that you jump down to the section on Main Courses and take a look at the textbooks on quantum information science even if you are just starting out. This will give you a better idea of what you don’t know yet and what you will need to fill in your background.  Another option that I have not yet tried is to explore online courses.

Even if you are interested in doing experimental research in quantum information science, you need to be able to speak the language, and that means that you need to have a firm understanding of quantum mechanics.  Unfortunately, most typical textbooks in quantum mechanics do not have chapters on quantum information science, but I am sure we will be seeing either new textbooks or updated versions of existing text that will start to specifically cover the topic.  Most of the field uses Dirac notation and hence it is eventually important to make sure you use a textbook that follows this formulation of quantum mechanics (but there is a substantial fraction of the research that uses the wavefunction approach, so you should also study the Schrödinger formulation).

Prerequisites: calculus, linear algebra (vector spaces, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, matrix manipulation, etc.)

OSU Courses

Helpful Prerequisites: probability and statistics, complex analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, a course in modern physics that covers up to the hydrogen atoms and the electron spin.  There are many textbooks on modern physics, but I am not enough a fan of any one of them to make a recommendation.  Go to the library and find one that works for you.

OSU Courses

Main Background Courses:

A full year of quantum mechanics that covers both the Schrödinger and Dirac formulations of quantum mechanics.  It is important to cover two-level systems and their description by Pauli spin operators.  A typical book used in many undergraduate physics departments is: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed., by David Griffiths.  A recent text from one of my collaborators looks very interesting and might be more suitable for a student coming from an engineering background: Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers by David A. B. Miller (free at OSU via Safari).  A good one-year course will pretty much cover the entire content of these textbooks.  See also the list of on-line courses below.

OSU Courses

  • PHY 2301: Intermediate Mechanics II; Mathematical Physics
  • PHY 5500: Quantum Mechanics (strongly suggest you take the honors sequence)
  • or PHY 5500H: Honors Quantum Mechanics I
  • PHY 5501H: Honors Quantum Mechanics II

Given that many quantum information platforms involve the interaction of light with matter, it is also very helpful to have an intermediate-level course in electricity and magnetism (electrodynamics).  A typical book used in many undergraduate physics departments is: Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th Ed., by David Griffiths.  Many physics departments only offer a one-semester course that covers electrostatics and magnetostatics.  In this case, you will have to cover the topics in electrodynamics on your own.

OSU Courses

  • PHY 1251: E&M, Optics, Modern Physics
  • or PHY 1251H: Honors Physics: Electricity and Magnetism; Thermal Physics, Waves, and Quantum Physics
  • PHY 3470: Optics
  • PHY 5400: Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism (strongly suggest you take the honors sequence)
  • or PHY 5400H: Honors Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
  • PHY 5401H: Honors Advanced Electricity and Magnetism 2

Missing from the typical undergraduate physics curriculum is any discussion of classical information, information theory, or communication theory.  I have never taught a course just focused on information theory, so I have no recommendations for a textbook.  Drop me a note if you have a favorite.  You will likely need to look for courses in electrical engineering, computer science, or mathematics to pick up this background.  But it might just be better to seek out (or request that your department offer) a course in quantum information science.

Main Courses:

See the QuSTEAM courses!

  • PHYS 2194, Quantum Information: The Second Quantum Revolution

Below are comments previous to QuSTEAM.

As far as courses that are more directly related to quantum information science, you might be able to find a course at the upper-level undergraduate or beginning graduate level in quantum optics or quantum information science.  As mentioned above, it would be good to look over some of the textbooks recommended here to see where you need to fill in your background before in preparation for a course in quantum information science.  Textbooks that I can recommend (I have taught from the Fox and Barnett books with good success):

OSU Courses

  • CSE 5351: Introduction to Cryptography
  • Unfortunately, there is not yet any courses offered in quantum information science.  Please talk to the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Graduate Studies to request that such a course be offered.

Experimental Research:

From the experimental point of view, you should take laboratory courses (or join a research laboratory for hands-on experience) to learn basic topics such as keeping a good laboratory notebook, soldering, and interfacing computers to experiments (I am encouraging my students to use Scientific Python).  At the more advanced level, it would be very helpful if you have a background/skills in optics, electronics (knowing how to use a Field-Programmable Gate Array – FPGA – is very helpful), and ultra-high vacuum techniques.  At an even more advanced level, knowing low-temperature techniques, vacuum deposition of thin films, nanoscale fabrication techniques, lasers, advanced optics, and radio-frequency electronics is a real plus.  Finally, being involved in research as an undergraduate (either at your home institution or through a NSF-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates over a summer) will give you a leg up and help you decide if you want to make a career in quantum information science.

Online courses:  I have not taken any of these so I can’t make any specific recommendations.

Groups on Quantum Information Science:  You should consider becoming a member of the American Physical Society and elect the Topical Group on Quantum Information Science (GQI).  It is very inexpensive (and even free for the first year) as a student to join and will start to connect you to the community.



Review Articles:


Online Courses:

Web Sites:

Quantum Information Science in the News

Public (non-specialist) videos and books in Quantum Information Science: