
* denotes invited presentation


S. D. Isaac, L. Kamin, A. Conrad, R. D. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, T. Javid, A. J. Schroeder, G. Golba, N. Lütkenhaus, D. J. Gauthier, and P. G. Kwiat, ‘Quantum Key Distribution Between Low-SWaP Mobile Platforms,’ QCrypt 2024, Sede Afundación Vigo, Spain, Sep. 2-6, 2024.

J. Kim, C. Cahall, D. J. Gauthier, K. Nicolich, N. T. Islam, G. Lafyatis, A. J. Miller, *‘Multi-photon detection using a conventional superconducting nanowire single-photon detector,’ Applied Superconductivity Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Sep. 1-6, 2024.

D. J. Gauthier, *‘Stability of a reservoir computer during autonomous prediction,’ Dynamics Days Europe 2024, Minisymposium on Dynamics of Reservoir Computers, Bremen, Germany, Jul. 29-Aug. 2, 2024.

D. J. Gauthier, *‘Controlling chaos using next-generation reservoir computing on an embedded device,’ Fourth Symposium on Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems, Toronto, Canada, Jul. 8-12, 2024.

A. Conrad, S. Isaac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, T. Javid, D. J. Gauthier, and P. G. Kwiat, ‘Vehicle-to-Vehicle Quantum Key Distribution (V2V-QKD),’ CLEO, Charlotte, NC, May 5-10, 2024.

A. Rockovich and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Temperature Tolerant Quantum Entangled Light Source,’ CLEO 2024, Charlotte, NC, May 5-10, 2024.

D. J. Gauthier and A. Rockovich, *‘Temperature-insensitive source for entangled time-frequency quantum photonic states,’ SPIE Conference on Advanced Photon Counting Techniques, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing (DCS) symposium, National Harbor, MD, Apr. 24, 2024.

D. J. Gauthier, *‘Catching the Quantum Information Wave,’ TIGER Talk, Innovate New Albany, Mar. 27, 2024.

D. J. Gauthier, N. Biederman, B. Gyovai, J. P. Wilhelm, ‘Digital twin of a DC brushless electric motor-propeller system with application to drone dynamics,’ AIAA SciTech 2024, Orlando, FL, Jan. 11, 2023.


A. Conrad, S. Isaac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, T. Javid, S. Wu, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Quantum Key Distribution Links between Mobile Platforms,’ QCrypt 2023, College Park, MD, Aug. 14-18, 2023.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Forecasting time-series data using next-generation reservoir computing,’ Data & Analytics Group Seminar, Huntington National Bank, Columbus, OH, Mar. 22, 2023.

T. Rezaei, A. Conrad, P. Battle, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Side-Channel-Free Quantum Key Distribution Source using a KTP Polarization Modulator and a Broadband Laser, submitted to the APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Mar. 5-10, 2023.

T. Rezaei, A. Conrad, P. Battle, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Side-channel-free quantum key distribution source using a KTP polarization modulator and a broadband laser,’ submitted to SPIE Quantum West, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 28 – Feb. 2, 2023.

A. Conrad, S. Issac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, T. Reazei, T. Javid, A.J. Schroeder, G. Golba, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based Quantum Communication Links,’ submitted to SPIE Quantum West, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 28 – Feb. 2, 2023.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Next-generation reservoir computing,’ SFI Seminar, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, Jan. 6, 2023.


D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Reservoir Computing – Introduction and Applications,’ Lunch and Learn Seminar, Infinity Labs, LLC, Dayton, OH (virtual), Oct. 7, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier * ‘Learning by filtering dynamical-system data using reservoir computing,’ AI Mellontology Symposium 2022, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (virtual due to Covid-19), Sep. 23, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Controlling dynamical systems using next-generation reservoir computing,’ Workshop on Adaptivity in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, PIK, Potsdam, Germany (virtual due to Covid-19), Sept. 22, 2022.

Sanchez-Rosales, R. Cochran A. Conrad, S. Issac,T. Reazei, T. Javid, A.J. Schroeder, G. Golba, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based Quantum Key Distribution,’ submitted to Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control IX, The Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario Aug. 29 – Sept. 2, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, R. Cochran, A. Conrad, G. Golba, A. Gutha, S. Isaac, T. Javid, A.J. Schroeder, D. Sanchez-Rosales, B. Wilens, and P. Kwiat, * ‘Technologies for drone-based quantum key distribution,’ Quantum Communication Seminar, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Jul. 21, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Next-generation reservoir computing,’ Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC, Redmond, WA (virtual due to Covid-19), Jun. 2, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘The Ohio State University Quantum Communication Laboratory,’ Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, (virtual due to Covid-19), Apr. 22, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, R. Cochran, A. Conrad, G. Golba, A. Gutha, S. Isaac, T. Javid, A.J. Schroeder, D. Sanchez-Rosales, B. Wilens, and P. Kwiat, *’Technologies for drone-based quantum key distribution,’ Advanced Photon Counting Techniques XVI, SI22 SPIE Defense+Commercial Sensing, Orlando, FL, Apr. 3-7, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Drone-based quantum key distribution,’ Dennison University, Granville, OH, Mar. 25, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Next-generation reservoir computing,’ APS March Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar. 16, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Model-free control of dynamical systems with deep reservoir computing,’ Complex systems to information processing, Journal of Physics Complexity Webinar, Mar. 8, 2022.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Next-generation reservoir computing,’ Mercer Distinguished Lecture, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Jan. 26, 2022. (video recording of presentation)


D.J. Gauthier, E. Bollt, A. Griffith, and W.A.S. Barbosa, * ‘Next-generation reservoir computing,’ Computation with Physical Systems, Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences, The Graduate Center, CUNY (virtual due to Covid-19, Oct. 14, 2021.

D.J. Gauthier, E. Bollt, A. Griffith, and W.A.S. Barbosa, * ‘Next-generation reservoir computing,’ Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics (NWP-2021), Nonlinear Dynamics of Oscillatory Systems (NWP-1), Nizhny Novgorod (virtual due to Covid-19), Sep. 21, 2021.

R.D. Cochran, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Qubit-based clock synchronization for QKD systems using a Bayesian approach,’ QCrypt 2021, (virtual due to Covid-19), Aug. 23-27, 2021.

D. Sanchez-Rosales, R.D. Cochran, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Preparing Indistinguishable States for a Prepare-and-Measure BB84 Polarization-Based Decoy State QKD Protocol Using Three FPGA-Driven LEDs,’ QCrypt 2021, (virtual due to Covid-19), Aug. 23-27, 2021.

A. Conrad, T. Rezaei, D. Sanchez-Rosales, R. Cochran, A. Guthat, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based Quantum Key Distribution (QKD),’ QCrypt 2021, (virtual due to Covid-19), Aug. 23-27, 2021.

S. Isacc, A. Conrad, R. Cochran, D. E. Sanchez-Rosales, A. Gutha, B. Wilens, D.J. Gauthier, and P.G. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based quantum key distribution (QKD),’ 2021 Americal Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP) (virtual conference due to Covid-19), May 31 – Jun. 4, 2021.

D. Gauthier, E. Bollt, A. Griffith, and W.A.S. Barbosa, * ‘Forecasting Chaotic Systems using Reservoir Computer with a Linear Reservoir and a Nonlinear Output Layer,’ SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS21), Dynamics of Reservoir Computers Minisymposium (virtual due to Covid-19), May 26, 2021.

D. Gauthier, E. Bollt, A. Griffith, and W.A.S. Barbosa, * ‘Next-generation reservoir computing,’ SFB 910 Seminar, Technische Universität Berlin (virtual due to Covid-19), May 14, 2021.

T. Rezaei, A. Conrad, D. Sanchez-Rosales, A. DeCesare, W. A. Miller, D. J. Gauthier, and P. G. Kwiat, ‘Polarization-modulator based quantum key distribution (QKD) source,’ 2021 American Physical Society March Meeting (virtual conference due to Covid-19), Mar. 15-19, 2021.

A. Conrad, S. Isaac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, A. Gutha, T. Rezaei, B. Wilens, H. Jones, D. J. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based quantum key distribution (QKD),’ 2021 American Physical Society March Meeting (virtual conference due to Covid-19), Mar. 15-19, 2021.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Learning dynamical systems using reservoir computers,’ Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science Seminar, Clarkson University, (virtual seminar due to Covid-19), Feb. 19, 2021.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Quantum Communication Technologies,’ NASA Glenn Research Center, Quantum Communication seminar, (virtual seminar due to Covid-19), Feb. 18, 2021.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Si avalanche photodiodes for MEOS quantum space applications,’ NASA Marconi 2.0 Working Group seminar, Feb. 1, 2021.


D. Gauthier, * ‘Controlling dynamical systems using deep reservoir computing,’ H. Turecci group meeting presentation, Electric and Computer Engineering, Princeton University, (virtual seminar due to Covid-19), Dec. 18, 2020.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Full nonlinear control of a chaotic system using a reservoir computer,’ Second Symposium on Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Systems (virtual conference due to Covid-19), Sep. 22, 2020.  (A very long version of the talk can be found on the Fields Institute YouTube channel for the session of the symposium.  See the first presentation entitled ‘Reservoir computing with autonomous Boolean networks on field-programmable gate arrays’)

D. Gauthier, * ‘RC with Autonomous Boolean Networks on FPGA,’ International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing (ICONS 2020), (virtual conference due to Covid-19), Jul. 30, 2020.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Emulating single-photon states using classical resources,’ Photonics North (virtual conference due to Covid-19), May 28, 2020.


D. Gauthier, * ‘Controlling dynamical systems using a deep reservoir computer,’ Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Dec. 9, 2019.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Applications of autonomous Boolean networks,’ BBN/Raytheon seminar, Cambridge, MA, Sep. 10, 2019.

A. Pomerance, D. Canaday, N. Charlot, and D. Gauthier, ‘Hybrid Boolean network physically unclonable function,’ 2019 Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit, National Harbor, MD, Oct. 8-10, 2019.

D. J. Gauthier, * ‘Some thoughts on post-quantum cybersecurity,’ Manetu, Co., Ft. Collins, CO, July 17, 2019.

A. Conrad, K. Herndon, B. Wilens, S. Isacc, A. Hill, D. Sanchez-Rosales, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based quantum key distribution (QKD),’ QCrypt 2019, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 26-30, 2019.

A. Conrad, A. Hill, D. Chaffee, K. Herndon, B. Wilens, D. Sanchez-Rosales, D. Gauthier and P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based quantum key distribution,’ APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, May 27-31, 2019.

D. J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, and A. Griffith, * ‘Controlling dynamical systems using a deep reservoir computer,’ Applied Dynamics Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Apr. 25, 2019.

D. J. Gauthier, * ‘Some Thoughts on Opportunities in Quantum Communication and Sensing,’ Michigan Quantum Science and Technology Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, April 11, 2019.

D. J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, and A. Griffith, * ‘FPGA-based autonomous Boolean networks for reservoir computing,’ Boolean Weekend Conference, Burlington, VT, Apr. 6, 2019.

K.L. Nicolich, C. Cahall, N.T. Islam, G.P. Layfatis, J. Kim, A.J. Miller, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Universal turn-on dynamics of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors,’ Quantum Information and Measurement Conference, Rome, Italy, Apr. 4, 2019.

A. Conrad, J. Chapman, C. Chopp, A. Hill, D. Chaffee, K. Herndon, D. Sanchez-Rosales, J. Szabo, D. Gauthier, P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based quantum key distribution,’ APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, Mar. 4-8, 2019.

D. J. Gauthier, * ‘Reservoir computing: A new approach to automated learning of dynamical systems,’ Mueller Award Ceremony presentation, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, Feb. 12, 2019.

D. Canaday, A. Griffith, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Model-Free Control of Chaos with Deep Reservoir Computing,’ Dynamics Days 2019, Evanston, IL, Jan. 4-6, 2019.


D.J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, and A. Griffith, ‘FPGA-based autonomous Boolean networks for cognitive computing,’ submitted to Cognitive Computing 2018: Merging Concepts with Hardware, Hannover, Germany, Dec. 18-20, 2018.

D.J. Gauthier, N. Islam, C. Lim, C. Cahall, B. Qi, and J. Kim, * ‘High-rate quantum key distribution,’ ECE Graduate Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 14, 2018.

P.G. Kwiat and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Fiber and free-space networks and the “last-mile” problem,’ DoE Quantum Networks for Open Science Workshop, Washington, DC, Sep. 25-26, 2018.

D.J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, and A. Griffith, * ‘High-speed prediction of a chaotic system using reservoir computers,’ Department of Physics Colloquium, Ohio University, Athens, OH, Sep. 19, 2018.

J.M. Lukens, N.T. Islam, C.C.W. Lim, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Mutually unbiased bases for time-bin qudits,’ Frontiers in Optics, Washington, DC, Sep. 16-20, 2018.

D. Canaday, A. Griffith, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Rapid Time Series Predictions with Hardware-Based Reservoir Computing,’ Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar: Delayed Complex System, Bonn, Germany, July 2-5 2018.

D.J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, and A. Griffith, * ‘Reservoir Computing: Harnessing a universal dynamical system,’ Applied Physics Seminar, Columbia University, New York, NY, Jun. 7, 2018.

D.J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, and A. Griffith, * ‘Reservoir Computing: Harnessing a universal dynamical system,’ Solid State & Optics Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Jun. 5, 2018.

M.E. Shea, J.A. Joseph, P.M. Baker, J. Kim, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Fast, accurate, nondestructive quantum state detection of a single trapped neutral atom,’ DAMOP 2018, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 30, 2018.

M.E. Shea, J.A. Joseph, P.M. Baker, J. Kim, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘High signal, low background detection of a single trapped neutral atom,’ DAMOP 2018, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 29, 2018.

K.L. Nicolich, C. Cahall, N.T. Islam, G.P. Lafyatis, J. Kim, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Photon-number resolution in conventional superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors: Theoretical predictions,’ CLEO 2018, San Jose, CA, May 13-18, 2018.

C. Cahall, K.L. Nicolich, N.T. Islam, G.P. Lafyatis, A.J. Miller, D.J. Gauthier, and J. Kim, ‘Photon-number resolution in conventional superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors: Experimental demonstration,’ CLEO 2018, San Jose, CA, May 13-18, 2018.

N. Islam, C. Lim, C. Cahall, B. Qi, J. Kim, and D. Gauthier, ‘High-rate Time-bin Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum-controlled Measurement,’ CLEO 2018, San Jose, CA, May 13-18, 2018.

D.J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, and A. Griffith, * ‘Reservoir computing for identifying radio-frequency communication signals and thoughts on optimizing a reservoir computer,’ Applied Dynamics Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Apr. 26, 2018.

A. Hill, J. Szabo, J. Chapman, C. Chopp, K. Herndon, D. Chaffee,  D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Toward Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution between Multirotor Drones,’ International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing (QCMC). Baton Rouge, LA, Mar. 12 (2018).

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Promise of 2D materials for quantum information transduction,’ Air Force Research Laboratory, Quantum Information Seminar, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Mar. 6, 2018.

D. Canaday, A. Griffith, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Control of Unknown Chaotic Systems with Reservoir Computing,’ Dynamics Days 2018, Denver, CO, Jan. 4-6, 2018.


D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High rate quantum key distribution: system integration challenges,’ Quantum elements of secure communication, NSF Quantum Leap workshop, Arlington, VA, Dec. 4, 2017.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Two-photon interference using phase-randomized weak coherent states,’ Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC) Seminar, U. Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 1, 2017.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Securing the internet in the age of quantum computers,’ College of Wooster, Department of Physics Colloquium, Wooster, OH, Nov. 9, 2017.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Quantum information science: risks and opportunities,’ Columbus Code Camp, Columbus, OH, Oct. 14, 2017.

D. Gauthier, N. Islam, C. Lim, J. Kim and C. Cahall, ‘High-Rate Quantum Key Distribution with Time-Bin Qudits,’ QCrypt 2017, Cambridge, UK, Sep. 18, 2017.

K.L. Nicolich, C.T. Cahall, G.P. Lafyatis, J. Kim, D.J. Gauthier, M.S. Allman, V. Verma, S.W. Nam, ‘Temperature dependence of the kinetic inductance in a WSi superconducting nanowire single-photon detector,’ Single Photon Workshop 2017, Boulder, CO, Jul. 31 – Aug. 4, 2017.

C. Cahall, D.J. Gauthier, and J. Kim, ‘Cryogenic amplifiers for a superconducting nanowire single-photon detection system,’ Single Photon Workshop 2017, Boulder, CO, Jul. 31 – Aug. 4, 2017.

N.T. Islam, C.C.W. Lim, C. Cahall, J. Kim, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘High-rate quantum key distribution using time-bin qudits,’ Single Photon Workshop 2017, Boulder, CO, Jul. 31 – Aug. 4, 2017.

G.P. Lafyatis and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Using an effective-medium approach for designing superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors,’ Single Photon Workshop 2017, Boulder, CO, Jul. 31 – Aug. 4, 2017.

K.L. Nicolich, C.T. Cahall, G.P. Lafyatis, J. Kim, D.J. Gauthier, M.S. Allman, V. Verma, S.W. Nam, ‘Temperature Dependence of Kinetic Inductance in a WSi Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector’, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Mar. 16, 2017

G. Lafyatis and D. Gauthier, ‘Effective medium theory for the design of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors,’ APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Mar. 14, 2017.

D. Canaday, A. Griffith, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Chaotic Time Series Prediction with FPGA-Based Reservoir Computers,’ Dynamics Days 2017, Silver Spring, MD, Jan. 4-6, 2017

A. Griffith, N.D. Haynes, O. D’Huys, D. Canaday, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Handwritten Digit Recognition with Reservoir Computers in Software and Hardware,’ Dynamics Days 2017, Silver Spring, MD, Jan. 4-6, 2017.


D.J. Gauthier, D. Canaday, A. Griffith, A. Hartemink, N.D. Haynes, O. D’Huys, D. Rosin, E. Scholl, M. Girvan, B. Hunt, E. Ott, R. Brockett, *’Reservoir Computing Using Autonomous Boolean Networks,’ Applied Dynamics Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Nov. 3, 2016.

N. T. Islam, C. Cahall, A. Aragoneses, C. Lim, M. Allman, V. Verma, S. W. Nam, J. Kim, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Enhancing the quantum-key-distribution secure key rate using discrete-variable, high-dimensional, time-frequency states’,  SPIE Quantum Science and Technology, Edinburgh, UK, Sep. 26-29, 2016.

N. T. Islam, C. Cahall, A. Aragoneses, C. Lim, M. Allman, V. Verma, S. W. Nam, J. Kim, D. J. Gauthier, ‘High-Dimensional Quantum Key Distribution with decoy states using discrete-variable time-frequency states’, QCrypt-16, Washington D.C., September 12-16, 2016.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Dynamics of Autonomous Boolean Networks,’ Seminar of Excellence in Complex Systems, The Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC), Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Jun. 15, 2016.  (Watch Prof. Gauthier’s presentation.)

N. T. Islam, C. Cahall, A. Aragoneses, C. Lim, M. Allman, V. Verma, S. W. Nam, J. Kim, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Discrete-variable time-frequency quantum key distribution’,  Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-16), San Jose, CA, June 5-10, 2016.

C. Cahall, D. J. Gauthier, and J. Kim, ‘Cryogenic amplifiers for superconducting nanowire single-photon detection system,’ Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-16), San Jose, CA, June 5-10, 2016.

M.E. Shea, P.M. Baker, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Construction of a single atom trap for quantum information protocols’, 47th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP ’16), Providence, RI, May 23-27.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High-dimension quantum key distribution using time-frequency states,’ Photonics Seminar, Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, May 23, 2016.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Dynamics of autonomous, time-delay Boolean networks with application to information processing,’ 14th Experimental and Complexity Conference (ECC), Universit of Calgary, Banff Centre, Banff, Canada, May 16-19.

M. Stipčević, B. G. Christensen, P. G. Kwiat, and D. J. Gauthier, * ‘Advanced active quenching circuits for single-photon avalanche photodiodes,’ SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore, MD, Apr. 17-21, 2016.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Dynamics and control of autonomous Boolean ring networks,’ Workshop on Control and Observability of Network Dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,  Apr. 14, 2016.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High-dimension quantum key distribution,’ Department of Physics Colloquium, Baylor University, Waco, TX, Feb. 22, 2016.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘A journey with Prof. Schoell: from delay oscillators to delay networks,’ Symposium in honor of the 65th birthday of Eckehard Schoell, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Feb. 12, 2016.


D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Dynamics of autonomous Boolean networks,’ Network Frontier Workshop 2015, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Dec. 6, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High-dimension quantum key distribution,’ Yale University, SSO seminar, New Haven, CT, Oct. 13, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Dynamics of autonomous Boolean networks,’ Physics Department Seminar, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, Oct. 9, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Network Science: A new paradigm for understanding our complex world,’ Dr. Joseph Morgan Memorial Lecture, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, Oct. 8, 2015.

A. Baron, T.B. Hoang, C. Fang, S. Larouche, D.J. Gauthier, M.H. Mikkelsen, and D.R. Smith, ‘Self-action in metal/dielectric plasmonic waveguides,’ submitted to Metamaterials Science & Technology Workshop, San Diego, CA, July 20-22, 2015.

A. Baron, T.B. Hoang, C. Fang, S. Larouche, D.J. Gauthier, M.H. Mikkelsen, and D.R. Smith, ‘Nonlinear metal/dielectric plasmonic interfaces,’ Nonlinear Optics 2015, Kaua’i, Hawai’i, Jul. 26-31, 2015.

M.E. Shea, P.M. Baker, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘A low-cost, tunable laser lock without laser frequency modulation,’ 46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP ’15), Columbus, Ohio, June 10, 2015.

B.L. Schmittberger and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Probing Atomic Dynamics and Structures Using Optical Patterns,’ 46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP’15), Columbus, Ohio, Jun. 10, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High-dimension quantum key distribution,’ Bar-Ilan University, Raman-Gan, Israel, Jun. 1, 2015.

A. Baron, S. Larouche, D.J. Gauthier, and D.R. Smith, ‘Scaling of the nonlinear response of metal/dielectric plasmonic waveguides,’ CLEO, San Jose, CA, May 10-15, 2015.

N.D. Haynes, O. D’Huys, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Extreme transients in time-delay autonomous Boolean networks,’ poster at NetSci 2015, Zaragoza, Spain, June 3, 2015.

O. D’Huys, N.D. Haynes, M.C. Soriano, I. Fischer, and D.J. Gauthier *’Dynamics of Autonomous Boolean Networks,’ SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS15), Snowbird, Utah, May 17-21, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, H. Cavalcante, M. Oria, D. Sornette, and E. Ott, *’Forecasting and Controlling Dragon-King Events in Coupled Dynamical Systems,’ SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS15), Snowbird, Utah, May 17-21, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Dynamics of autonomous time-delay Boolean networks,’ Delay differential equations in physical sciences and engineering, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, May 11-15, 2015.

O. D’Huys, J. Lohmann, N.D. Haynes and D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Extreme transients in autonomous time-delay Boolean networks,’ Delay differential equations in physical sciences and engineering, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, May 11-15, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Information on a Photon,’ Special Seminar, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Mar. 26, 2015.

B.L. Schmittberger and D.J. Gauthier, *’Enhancing the nonlinearity at ultra-low light levels using spatial bunching of cold atoms,’ SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, February 10, 2015.

D.J. Gauthier, N.D. Haynes, J. Lohmann, O. D’Huys, and D.P. Rosin, * ‘Extreme transients in time-delay autonomous Boolean networks,’ Dynamics Days XXXIV, Houston, TX, Jan. 10, 2015.

N.D. Haynes, M.C. Soriano, D.P. Rosin, I. Fischer, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Physical reservoir computing with Boolean logic,’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days XXXIV, Houston, TX, Jan. 10, 2015.

J. Lohmann, N.D. Haynes, O. D’Huys, E. Schöll, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Dynamics of experimental time-delay autonomous Boolean networks,’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days XXXIV, Houston, TX, Jan. 10, 2015.


D.J. Gauthier, D.P. Rosin, D. Rontani, and N. Haynes, ‘Autonomous Boolean networks for experimental network science and chimera states,’ Experimental Chaos and Complexity (ECC) Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, Aug. 27, 2014.

D.J. Gauthier and B.L. Schmittberger, * ‘Superradiance in Driven Ultra-Cold Atoms,’ Physics Department Seminar, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Jul. 2, 2014.

D. J. Gauthier, D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, and N. D. Haynes, * ‘Dynamics and control of time-delay Boolean networks,’ Symposium of SFB 910: Applications of Dynamical Networks, Berlin, Germany, Jun. 20, 2014.

N. D. Haynes, D. P. Rosin, M. C. Soriano, I. Fischer, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Reservoir computing with a single autonomous Boolean node using time-delay feedback,’ WISeNet Workshop, Durham, NC, Jun. 6, 2014.

B. L. Schmittberger and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Optical Pattern Formation in Spatially Bunched Atoms: A Self-Consistent Model and Experiment,’ 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP’14), Madison, Wisconsin, Jun. 5, 2014.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Steady-state, cavity-less, multimode superradiance,’ JILA Public Seminar, Boulder, CO, May 15, 2014.

D.J. Gauthier and B.L. Schmittberger, ‘Observation of ultra-low-light-level self-organized pattern formation in driven cold atoms,’ 44st Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, Jan. 6, 2014.

N.D. Haynes, D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Towards reservoir computing with time-delay autonomous Boolean networks,’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days US 2014, Atlanta, GA, Jan 2-5, 2014.

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, E. Schöll, and, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Experimental signatures of chimera states in non-locally coupled Boolean phase oscillators,’ Dynamics Days US 2014, Atlanta, GA, Jan 2-5, 2014.


D. Rontani, S.D. Cohen, A. Aragoneses, C. Masoller, M.C. Torrent and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Laser-based dynamical sensor resolving two-dimensional translation at the nanoscale,’ International Symposium on Physics and Application of Laser Dynamics (IS-PALD 2013), Paris, France, Oct. 28-31, 2013.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Quantum temporal Imaging: The need for advanced dispersion engineering,’ Structured Light in Structured Media, From classical to quantum optics incubator, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, Sep. 29 – Oct. 1, 2013.

H. E. Guilbert, ‘Observation of Elliptical Patterns in Type I Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion’, 2013 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXIX (FiO/LS), Orlando FL, Oct. 6 – Oct. 10, 2013.

D.J. Gauthier and B.L. Schmittberger, * ‘Superradiance and pattern formation in laser-driven cold atoms,’ Kansas State University, Department of Physics colloquium, Manhattan, KS, Sep. 9, 2013.

D.J. Gauthier and B.L. Schmittberger, * ‘Transverse optical patterns for low-light-level optical switching,’ Nonlinear Optics 2013, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, July 21-26, 2013.

J. Kim, R. Clark, D. Gauthier, ‘Low-Noise frequency downconversion for long-distance distribution of entangled atomic qubits,’ IEEE Summer Topical Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii July 8-10 (2013).

D.J. Gauthier, Y. Zhu, and J. Kim, ‘Temporal imaging of photonic wavepackets for hybrid quantum memories,’ Quantum Information Processing and Communication International Conference 2013, Florence, Italy, Jun. 30-Jul. 5, 2013.

D.J. Gauthier, D.P. Rosin, and D. Rontani, ‘Tutorial on Autonomous Time-Delay Boolean Networks,’ WISeNet Workshop, Durham, NC, Jun. 6, 2013.

B. L. Schmittberger and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Optical Pattern Formation in Cold Atoms: Explaining the Red-Blue Asymmetry,’ 44th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP’13), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Jun. 3-7, 2013.

B. L. Schmittberger, J. A. Greenberg, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Ultra-Low-Threshold Optical Pattern Formation in a Cold Atomic Vapor,’ XIIIth International Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany, May 12-16, 2013.

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Control of synchronization patterns in neural-like Boolean networks,’ Dynamics Days Europe 2013, Madrid, May 3-7, 2013.

D.J. Gauthier and B.L. Schmittberger, * ‘Steady-state, cavity-less, multimode superradiance and pattern formation in driven cold atoms,’ U. of Toronto, Quantum Optics and AMO Seminar, Toronto, Canada, Apr. 29, 2013.

R. Vidra, M. Centinkaya-Rundel, and D.J. Gauthier, `Integrating team-based learning across disciplines: Ideas and challenges,’ 2013 Showcase, Center for Instructional Technology, Duke University, Durham, NC, Apr. 26, 2013.

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Control of synchronization patterns in neural-like Boolean networks,’ CCNR Seminar, Boston, MA, March 28, 2013.

R. Vidra, M. Centinkaya-Rundel, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Integrating team-based learning across disciplines: Ideas and challenges,’ 2013 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Greensboro, NC, Feb. 16, 2013.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Achieving high-rate quantum key distribution by multiplexing orbital angular momentum transverse modes,’ 43rd Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics 2103, Snowbird, Utah, Jan. 7, 2013.

K. Callan, D. Rontani, and D. Gauthier, ‘Detecting the position and strength of attenuating elements in a small network,’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days 2013, Denver, Colorado, Jan. 3-6, 2013.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Predictability and control of extreme events in complex systems,’ Dynamics Days 2013, Denver, CO, Jan. 3-6, 2013.

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Control of synchronization patterns in neural-like Boolean networks,’ Dynamics Days 2013, Denver, CO, Jan. 3-6, 2013.


D. Gauthier, *’Encoding many bits per photon in high rate quantum key distribution,’ Photonics seminar, Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore, Dec. 17, 2012.

D. Gauthier, *’Chaos in optoelectronics and applications,’ Photonics Global Conference @ Singapore, Workshop on Breakthroughs in Nonlinear Optics, Singapore, Dec. 16, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Predictability and control of extreme events in complex systems,’ Applied Dynamics Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Dec. 6, 2012.

D. Rontani, D. P. Rosin, D. Gauthier, and E. Schöll * ‘Autonomous Time-Delayed Boolean Networks Using FPGAs,’ 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Oct. 24, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier and J.A. Greenberg, * ‘Steady-state, cavity-less, multimode superradiance,’ 21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’12), Modern Trends in Laser Physics, Calgary, Canada, Jul. 23-27, 2012.

B.L. Schmittberger, J.A. Greenberg, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Free-space, multimode spatial self-organization of cold, thermal atoms,’ 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP’12), Anaheim, CA, Jun. 4-8, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier, D. P. Rosin, and D. Rontani, * ‘Dynamics of large-scale autonomous time-delay Boolean networks,’ International Conference on Delayed Complex Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Jun. 4-8, 2012.

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D.J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Experiments on large networks of excitable time-delay Boolean circuits,’ Poster at International Conference on Delayed Complex Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Jun. 4-8, 2012.

S. D. Cohen, H. Cavalcante, and D. Gauthier, * ‘Subwavelength Position Sensing using Nonlinear Feedback and Wave Chaos,’ Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference 2012, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, May 16-19, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier, H. Guilbert, Y. Zhu, M. Shi, K.T. McCusker, B. Christensen, P. Kwiat, and V. Chandar, * ‘High-Rate Quantum Key Distribution Using High-Dimension Hilbert Spaces,’ MIT EECS/RLE Seminar Series on Optics and Quantum Electronics, Cambridge, MA, Apr. 18, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier, S.D. Cohen, and H.L.D. de S. Cavalcante, * ‘Sub-wavelengths position sensing using chaos,’ Institute of Optics Colloquium, University of Rochester, Rochester NY, Apr. 16, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier, D. P. Rosin, and D. Rontani, * ‘Dynamics of autonomous Boolean networks,’ Departament de Fisica i Enginyeria Nuclear, Universitat Politicnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain, Mar. 22, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier, H. Guilbert, Y. Zhu, M. Shi, K.T. McCusker, B. Christensen, P. Kwiat, and V. Chandar, * ‘Quantum Key Distribution Using Hyperentanglement,’ Quantum Information and Measurement Conference, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 20, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier, S.D. Cohen, and H.L.D. de S. Cavalcante, * ‘Sub-wavelength position sensing using chaos,’ Department of Physics Colloquium, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Jan. 27, 2012.

D.J. Gauthier and J.A. Greenberg, *’Steady-state, cavity-less, multimode superradiance,’ QI/AMO Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL, Jan. 25, 2012.

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, E. Scholl, and D. Gauthier, ‘Experimental Network of Excitable Time-Delayed Boolean Systems,’ Dynamics Days 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, Jan. 4-7, 2012.

S. D. Cohen and D. Gauthier, ‘Piecewise Linear High-Frequency Chaotic Waveform Generator,’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, Jan. 4-7, 2012.

K. Callan, D. Rontani, and D. Gauthier, ‘Time-delay signatures in broadband chaos generated by optoelectronic oscillators,’ Poster presented at Dynamics Days 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, Jan. 4-7, 2012.


S.D. Cohen and D. Gauthier, * ‘High-frequency chaotic waveform generator as a coherence radar’, Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), Redstone Arsenal, AL, December 7, 2011.

D. Gauthier, B. Schmittberger, and J. Greenberg, * `Spontaneous symmetry breaking in optical patterns generated by the interaction of light and matter waves,’ Fifth ‘Rio de la Plata’ Workshop on Lasers Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics, Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, Dec. 6-9, 2011.

D. Gauthier, S. Cohen, and H. Cavalcante, * ‘Sub-wavelength imaging using chaos,’ Nonlinear Physics and Applications (NOLPA2011), Joao Pessoa, Brazil, Sep. 5-8, 2011.

D. Gauthier, J. Greenberg, and B. Schmittberger, * ‘Cooling-induced optical nonlinearity: Record-breaking fifth-order nonlinear susceptibility observed in laser-driven cold atoms,’ Physics Department seminar, Universidad Federal de Paraiba, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, Sep. 2, 2011.

S. Cohen, H. Cavalcante, and D. Gauthier, * ‘Sub-wavelength position sensing using chaos,’ Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), Redstone Arsenal, AL, July 27, 2011.

Y. Zhu, J. Kim, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Selective phase-matched Bragg scattering for single-photon frequency conversion in a nonlinear waveguide,’ IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 20, 2011.

B. Schmittberger, J. Greenberg, and D. Gauthier, ‘Pattern formations for optical switching using cold atoms as a nonlinear medium,’ DAMOP 2011, Atlanta, GA, June 17, 2011.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High rate quantum key distribution,’ Quantum Photonics Seminar, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, Feb. 2, 2011.

Y. Zhu, J. Wang, R. Zhang, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Forward stimulated Brillouin scattering observed in standard highly-nonlinear optical fiber,’ Photonics West 2011, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 26, 2011. (paper link)

R. Zhang, Y. Zhu, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Broadband slow light with a swept-frequency source,’ Photonics West 2011, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 23, 2011.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High rate quantum key distribution,’ 41st Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, Jan. 5, 2011.


Y. Zhu, J. Wang, R. Zhang, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of forward stimulated Brillouin scattering in a standard highly-nonlinear fiber,’ Frontiers in Optics 2010/Division of Laser Science XXVI, Rochester, NY, October 24-28, 2010. (paper link)

R. Zhang, Y. Zhu, J. Wang, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Broadband slow light with a swept-frequency source,’ Frontiers in Optics 2010/Division of Laser Science XXVI, Rochester, NY, October 24-28, 2010. (paper link)

J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Self-phase matched four-wave mixing in cold vapor,’ Frontiers in Optics 2010/Division of Laser Science XXVI, Rochester, NY, October 24-28, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier and J.A. Greenberg, * ‘Toward Single-Photon Nonlinear Optics via Self-Assembled Ultracold Atoms,’ Frontiers in Optics 2010/Division of Laser Science XXVI, Rochester, NY, October 26, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘High throughput, high bit-per-photon quantum communication,’ QIBEC (Quantum Information/BEC) Seminar, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, Sep. 24, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier, H.L.D. de S. Cavalcante, S. Cohen, R. Zhang, Z. Gao, J.E.S. Socolar, and D.P. Lathrop ‘Observation of chaos in small networks of Boolean-like logic circuits,’ The 11th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference, Lille, France, Jun. 1, 2010.

J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Super-charging nonlinear optical processes via cooperative effects,’ International Laser Physics Workshop, Foz du Iguazu, Brazil, July 5-9, 2010.

J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Lamb-Dicke-enhanced free-space superfluorescence in a cold thermal vapor,’ Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), Houston, TX, May 25-29, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier and J.A. Greenberg, * ‘Using self-assembly to enable single-photon nonlinear optics,’ EECS Distinguished Seminar Series, Northwestern University, May 26, 2010.

D. Gauthier, K. Callan, L. Illing, Z. Gao, E. Schöll, * ‘Nonlinear stability analysis of a time-delay opto-electronic oscillator,’ Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems Seminar, Duke University, Durham, NC, Apr. 13, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier, Z. Gao, H.L.D.S. Cavalcante, J.E.S. Scoolar, and D.P. Lathrop, * ‘Observation of chaos in small networks of Boolean-like logic circuits,’ SCCAMM Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Networks, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Apr. 9, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier, J. Wang and Y. Zhu, * ‘Slow light applications of forward stimulated Brillouin scattering,’ Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 25, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Superluminal group velocities (a.k.a., Fast Light),’ Southeastern Conference on Undergraduate Women in Physics, Durham, NC, Jan. 17, 2010.

D.J. Gauthier, R. Zhang, H.L.D.S. Cavalcante, Z. Gao, J.E.S. Socolar, M. Adams and D.P. Lathrop, *’Boolean Chaos,’ Dynamics Days 2010, Chicago, IL, Jan. 4-7, 2010.


Greenberg and D. Gauthier, ‘Collective nonlinear optical effects in an ultracold thermal vapor,’ Fitzpatrick Annual Meeting, Duke University, Oct. 6, 2009.

D. Gauthier, K. Callan, L. Illing, Z. Gao, E. Schöll, * ‘Nonlinear stability analysis of a time-delay opto-electronic oscillator,’ Applied Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar, U. Maryland, College Park, MD, Dec. 10, 2009.

D.J. Gauthier, R. Zhang, and H.L.D.S. Cavalcante, * ‘Boolean Delay Systems,’ Workshop on Delayed Complex Systems, Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 5-9, 2009.

H.M. Dobrovolny, C.M. Berger, N.H. Brown, W.K. Neu and D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Spatial Heterogeneity of Restitution Properties and the Onset of Alternans,’ IEEE-EMBC 2009, Minneapolis, MN, Sep. 2-6, 2009.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Stored Light and Photonic Signal Processing via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering,’ Conference on Slow and Fast Light (SL), Honolulu, HI, Jul. 13, 2009.

J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Superfluourescence in an Ultracold Thermal Vapor,’ Conference on Nonlinear Optics (NLO), Honolulu, HI, Jul 15, 2009.

J.A. Greenberg and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Transient enhancement of the nonlinear atom-photon coupling via recoil-induced resonances,’ Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), Charlottesville, VA (UVA), May 22.

C.M. Berger, X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, W. Neu, and D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Evidence for an Unfolded Border-Collision Bifurcation in Paced Cardiac Tissue,’ International Workshop on Resonance Oscillations and Stability of Nonsmooth Systems, London, United Kingdom, June 16-25, 2009.

C.M. Berger, X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, W. Neu, and D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Investigating an Unfolded Border-Collision Bifurcation in Paced Cardiac Tissue,’ Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Salt Lake City, UT, May 17-21, 2009.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Slow Light, Fast Light, Backward Light: What does it all mean?,’ College of Charleston Physics Department Colloquium, Charleston, SC, April 2, 2009.

R. Zhang, H.L.D. de S. Cavalcante, Z. Gao, M. Adams, J.E.S. Socolar, D.J. Gauthier, and D.P. Lathrop, ‘Ultra-Wide Band Digital Chaotic Circuits – Part I: Introduction and Implementation,’ Dynamics Days 2009, San Diego, CA, Jan. 8-11, 2009.

H.L.D. de S. Cavalcante, R. Zhang, Z. Gao, M.A dams, J.E.S. Socolar, D.J. Gauthier, and D.P. Lathrop, ‘Ultra-Wide-Band Digital Chaotic Circuits – Part II: Characterization and Details,’ Dynamics Days 2009, San Diego, CA, Jan. 8-11, 2009.

Z. Gao, A.B. Cohen, B. Ravoori, T.E. Murphy, D.J. Gauthier, and R. Roy, ‘Accurate modeling of ultra-high frequency chaotic circuit with synchronization-based data assimilation,’ Dynamics Days 2009, San Diego, CA, Jan. 8-11, 2009.

S.D. Cohen, H.L.D. de S. Cavalcante, R. Zhang, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Ultra-Wideband Antenna Design for Transmission of a Digital Chaotic Signal,’ Dynamics Days 2009, San Diego, CA, Jan. 8-11, 2009.

D.J. Gauthier, A.A. Juarez, R. Vilaseca, and Z. Zhu, * ‘Room-Temperature Spectral Hole Burning via SBS,’ 39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, PQE-2009, Snowbird, UT, Jan. 7, 2009.


D.J. Gauthier, A.A. Juarez, R. Vilaseca, and Z. Zhu, ‘Room-Temperature Spectral Hole Burning via SBS,’ Frontiers in Optics 2008, Rochester, NY, Oct. 23, 2008.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Slow and stopped light in optical waveguides,’ DTU Fotonik Seminar, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Bygning, Denmark, Aug. 29, 2008.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Slow and stopped light in optical waveguides,’ Keynote Lecture, PHOTON 08, Edinburg, UK, Aug. 26-29, 2008.

D.J. Gauthier, R. Zhang, and H. Calvalcante, * ‘Chaos in simple high-speed logic-based devices,’ 25 Years of Nonlinear Dynamics at ONR (a celebration of Mike Shlesinger’s 60th Birthday), Amelia Island, FL, Jul. 21, 2008.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Three lectures on the Physics and Application of Slow Light,’ Masters in Photonics Program (Photonics BCN), Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 25-27, 2008.

J.A. Greenberg, Marcos Oria, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Nonlinear beam shaping in an anisotropic magneto-optic trap,’ Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), State College, PA (Penn State University), May 30.

J.A. Greenberg, Marcos Oria, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Investigation of the Saturation Mechanism of Recoil-induced Resonances,’ Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), State College, PA (Penn State University), May 28.

Z. Zhu, D.J. Gauthier, and R.W. Boyd, ‘Stored Light in Optical Fibers via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science 2008, San Jose, CA, May 5, 2008.

A.M.C. Dawes and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Transverse Patterns for All-Optical Switching,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science 2008, San Jose, CA, May 5, 2008.

D.J. Gauthier, H. Calvalcante, and R. Zhang, *’Boolean delay devices,’ U. Maryland, MURI Seminar, U. Maryland, College Park, MD, Apr. 17, 2008.

D.J. Gauthier, C.M. Berger, X. Zhao, H. Dobrovolny, D.G. Schaeffer, and W. Krassowska, *’Evidence for an unfolded border-collision bifurcation in paced cardiac muscle,’ Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar, U. Maryland, College Park, MD, Apr. 17, 2008.

C.M. Berger, X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, S. Idriss, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Understanding a Period-Doubling Bifurcation in Cardiac Cells,’ American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2008.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Observation of Stopped Light in an Optical Fiber via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering,’ 38th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, PQE-2008, Snowbird, UT, Jan. 7, 2008.

Z. Gao and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Parameter-space study of an ultra-high frequency chaotic circuit with delayed feedback,’ Dynamics Days 2008, Knoxville, TN, Jan. 3-6, 2008.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Slow Light, Fast Light, Backward Light: What does it all mean?,’ Physics Department Colloquium, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, Nov. 30, 2007.

X. Zhao, D.G. Schaffer, W. Krassowska, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘A model-independent technique for eigenvalue identification and its application in predicting cardiac alternans,’ 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Seattle, WA, Nov. 10-16, 2007.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Observation of Stopped Light in an Optical Fiber,’ 2007 Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics Annual Meeting, Oct. 11, 2007.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Slow Light, Fast Light, Backward Light: What does it all mean?,’ Physics Department Colloquium, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, Sep. 27, 2007.

X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, C.M. Berger, D.J. Gauthier, and W. Krassowska, ‘Cardiac Alternans Arising from an Unfolded Border-collision bifurcation,’ ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-7, 2007.

C.M. Berger, X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, N. Rouse, S. Idriss, D. Hall, and D.J. Gauthier, *’Understanding an Unfolded Border-Collision Bifurcation in Paced Cardiac Tissue,’ AAPT, Greensboro, NC, July 28-31, 2007.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Progress on stopped light and large-delay slow light in optical fibers,’ OSA , Topical meeting on Slow and Fast Light, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11, 2007.

J.A. Greenberg, M. Oria, and D.J. Gauthier. ‘Anisotropic MOT for Nonlinear Optical Studies,’ Atomic Physics Gordon Research Conference, Tilton School, NH, July 1-6, 2007.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Tutorial: Slow-light in room-temperature optical waveguides,’ International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) 2007, Munich, Germany, June 17-22, 2007.

A. M. C. Dawes and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Using Transverse Patterns for All-Optical Switching,’ Ninth Rochester Conference on Coherence & Quantum Optics (CQO9), Rochester, NY, June 10-13, 2007.

K. Callan, L. Illing, D.J. Gauthier, ‘High Speed Chaos Generated in an Optoelectronic Oscillator,’ Gordon Research Conference: Nonlinear Science, Waterville, ME, June 24-29, 2007.

D.J. Gauthier, K. Callan and L. Illing, *’Broadband chaos in time-delay photonic and electroic devices: Potential implications for sensor networks,’ Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 23, 2007.

Z. Shi, R.W. Boyd, D.J. Gauthier and C. C. Dudley, ‘Enhancing the Spectral Sensitivity and Resolution of Interferometers Using Slow-Light Media, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD, May 8, 2007.

B. Zhang, I. Fazal, L.-S. Yan, L. Zhang, A.E. Willner, Z. Zhu, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘System performance of DPSK signals transmitted through broadband SBS-based slow light element and reduction of slow-light-induced data-pattern dependence,’ Optical Fiber Conference 2007, Aneheim, CA, March 28, 2007.

C. Berger, D. Schaeffer, S. Idriss, N. Rouze, D. Hall, D. Gauthier, ‘Exploring the Role of Calcium in Cardiac Cell Dynamics,’ Gordon Conference: Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, Ventura, CA, March 18, 2007.

C. Berger, S. Idriss, N. Rouze, D. Hall, D. Gauthier, ‘Exploring the Role of Calcium in Cardiac Cell Dynamics,’ American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 6, 2007.

C.M. Berger, X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, H. Dobrovolny, W. Krassowska, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Evidence for an unfolded border-collision bifurcation in paced cardiac tissue,’ Dynamics Days 2007, Boston, MA, Jan. 2-6, 2007.

J. Cain, C. Berger and D. Gauthier, ‘Controlling Electrical Alternans in Paced Myocardium Using Extended Time-Delay Autosynchronization,’ Dynamics Days 2007, Boston, MA, Jan. 2-6, 2007.

W. Krassowska, S.S. Kalb, D.J. Gauthier, D.G. Schaeffer, *’The Restitution Portrait: A Tool for Developing Models of Heart Rhythm Dynamics,’ Dynamics Days 2007, Boston, MA, Jan. 2-6, 2007.


D.J. Gauthier, Zhaoming Zhu, A.M.C. Dawes, L. Zhang, A.E. Willner, ‘Optimizing Broadband SBS Slow Light in an Optical Fiber,’ Laser Science XXII, Rochester, NY, Oct. 9, 2006.

Z. Shi, R.W. Boyd, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Spectroscopic Interferometry Using Slow Light  Media,’ Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY, Oct. 11, 2006.

J. Greenberg, A.M.C. Dawes, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Theoretical Optimization of a DAVLL system for a Rubidium Vapor,’ Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics Annual Meeting, Duke University, Sep. 28-29, 2006.

K. Callan, L. Illing, D.J. Gauthier, ‘High Speed Chaos Generated in an Optoelectronic Oscillator,’ Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics Annual Meeting, Duke University, Sep. 28-29, 2006.

D.J. Gauthier, A.M.C. Dawes, L. Illing, and S. Clark, *’Ultra-low-light-level all-optical switching,’ Physics Department Colloquium, Ohio University, Athens, OH, Sep. 15, 2006.

X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, C.M. Berger, D.J. Gauthier and W. Krassowska, ‘Border-Collision Bifurcations in a Model of Cardiac Restitution,’ Eleventh Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Stability, and Dynamics of Structures, Blacksburg, VA, Aug. 13-17, 2006.

Z. Shi, R.W. Boyd, Z. Zhu, D.J. Gauthier, R. Pant, M.D. Stenner, and M.A. Neifeld, ‘Distortion-reduced pulse-train propagation with large delay in a triple gain medium,’ OSA Topical Meeting on Slow and Fast Light, OSA Headquarters, Washington, DC, July 23-26, 2006.

Z. Zhu, A.M.C. Dawes, D.J. Gauthier, M.D. Stenner, M.A. Neifeld, T. Luo, C. Yu, L. Zhang, and A.E. Willner, *’Recent Advances in Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Slow Light,’ OSA Topical Meeting on Slow and Fast Light, OSA Headquarters, Washington, DC, July 23-26, 2006.

Z. Zhu, A.M.C. Dawes, and D.J. Gauthier, *’Slow light via stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibers,’ IEEE/LEOS Summer Meeting, Qebec City, Canada, July 17-19, 2006.

D.J. Gauthier, C.M. Berger, X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, H. Dobrovolny, and W. Krassowska, *’Discovery of a new type of bifurcation in paced cardiac muscle,’ Third Wrokshop Promotionskolleg, Helmholtz Center for Brain and Mind Dynamics, Liebenwalde, Germany, July 14, 2006.

X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, C.M. Berger, D.J. Gauthier and W. Krassowska, ‘Evidence of an unfolded border-collision bifurcation in paced cardiac tissue.’ KITP Miniprogram on Cardiac Dynamics, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, Jul. 13, 2006.

D. Gauthier, Z. Zhu, and A.M.C. Dawes, *’Slow-Light in Optical Fibers:  From Fundamentals to Applications,’ Physics Department Colloquium, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, June 20, 2006.

A.M.C. Dawes, L. Illing, J. Greenberg, S. Clark, and D. Gauthier, *’Recent progress in low-light switching via optical patterns,’ Conference on coherent control of the fundamental processes in optics and X-ray-optics (CCFP’2006), Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan, Russia, June 29 – July 3, 2006.

Z. Zhu and D.J. Gauthier, ‘XPM-induced Pulse Delay and Advancement in Optical Fiber,’ Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006.

A. M. C. Dawes, Z. Zhu, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Improving the Bandwidth of SBS-Based Slow-Light Delay,’ Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006.

X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, C.M. Berger, D.J. Gauthier, W. Krassowska, ‘Differentiation between Smooth and Nonsmooth Period-Doubling Bifurcations  in Cardiac Tissue,’ the 6th Symposium of Understanding Complex Systems, Urbana, Illinois, May 15-18, 2006.

Z. Zhu, A.M.C. Dawes, D.J. Gauthier, L. Zhang, and A.E. Willner, ’12-GHz-Bandwidth SBS Slow Light in Optical Fibers,’ postdeadline paper, OFC/NFOEC 2006, Anaheim, CA, Mar. 5-10, 2006.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Toward Single-Photon Switching for Quantum Information Networks,’ Physics Department Colloquium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, Feb. 2, 2006.

Z. Zhu, A.M.C. Dawes, and D.J. Gauthier, M.D. Stenner and M.A. Neifeld, *’Improving the bandwidth of slow-light delay lines,’ Photonics West, San Jose, CA, Jan. 21-26, 2006.

X. Zhao, ‘Bifurcation Analysis of Cardiac Dynamics,’ Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, January, 2006.

D.J. Gauthier, A.M.C. Dawes, L. Illing, S.M. Clark, *’Using dissipative spatial structures to achieve ultra-low-light-level optical switching,’ Dynamics Days 2006,  Bethesda, MD, Jan. 4-7, 2006.

X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, C.M. Berger, D.J. Gauthier, and W. Krassowska, ‘Theoretical analysis of smooth and nonsmooth period-doubling bifurcations in cardiac tissue,’ Dynamics Days 2006,  Bethesda, MD, Jan. 4-7, 2006.

A.M. Pitruzzello, S.F. Idriss, D.J. Gauthier, W. Krassowska, ‘The Restitution Portrait Reveals Hidden Heterogeneity in Cardiac Rhythm Dynamics,’ Dynamics Days 2006,  Bethesda, MD, Jan. 4-7, 2006.

C.M. Berger, H.M. Dobrovolny, X. Zhao, D.G. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Investigating a Period-Doubling Bifurcation in Cardiac Tissue Using Alternate Pacing,’ Dynamics Days 2006,  Bethesda, MD, Jan. 4-7, 2006.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Toward Single-Photon Switching for Quantum Information Networks,’ Physics Department Colloquium, North Carolina A&T University, Greensboro, NC, Nov. 28, 2005.

A.M. Pitruzzello, W. Krassowska, A.J. Lam, S.F. Idriss, ‘A multichannel fiber-optic mapping system for intramural recording of cardiac action potentials,’ European Biomedical Engineering Conference, Prague, November 20-25, 2005. [IFBME Proeceedings, 11: 1973 (2005)]

N.H. Brown, P.D. Wolf, D.J. Gauthier, W. Krassowska. ‘Design of a Fiber-Optic Ratiometric System for Recording Cardiac Action Potentials,’ Thirteenth Annual  NHLBI Cardiovascular Diversity Research Supplement Awardee Session in conjunction with the American Heart Association’s Annual Scientific Sessions, Dallas, TX, Nov. 12, 2005.

C.M. Berger, H. Dobrovolny, D.G. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Evidence for a border-collision bifurcation in paced cardiac tissue,’ Southeastern Section of the APS, Gainesville, FL, November 10-12, 2005.

H. Jeong, A.M. Dawes, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of the Sommerfeld Precursor,’ Frontiers in Optics 2005/Laser Science XXI, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 18, 2005.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Optical Visualization of Nonlinear Pattern Dynamics in Biological Systems,’ Frontiers in Optics 2005/Laser Science XXI, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 18, 2005.

D.J. Gauthier, A.M.C. Dawes, L. Illing, S.M. Clark, *’Toward single-photon switching for quantum information networks,’ Eastern Carolina University, Physics Department Colloquium, Sep. 23, 2005.

A.L. Gaeta, Y. Okawachi, S. Ghosh, and J.E. Sharping, M.S. Bigelow, A. Schweinsberg, R.W. Boyd, Z.Zhu and D.J. Gauthier, *’Optically tunable “slow” light in waveguides,’ Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (NLGW), Dresden, Germany, Sep. 6-9, 2005.

D.J. Gauthier, A.M.C. Dawes, L. Illing, S.M. Clark, *’Using dissipative spatial structures to achieve ultra-low-light-level optical switching,’ University of Maryland AMO Seminar, College Park, MD, Sep. 6, 2005.

L. Illing, J. N. Blakely, and D. Gauthier, *’Time delay systems with band-limited feedback,’ Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC – 2005), Eindhoven, Netherlands, Aug. 7 – 12, 2005.

D.J. Gauthier, S.M. Clark, A.M. Dawes, and L. Illing, *’Using dissipative spatial structures to achieve ultra-low-light-level optical switching,’ XXV Dynamics Days Europe, Berlin, Germany, Jul. 25 – 28, 2005.

D.J. Gauthier, W. Krassowska, and D.G. Schaeffer, *’Characterizing and controlling cardiac dynamics,’ International Seminar and Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in  Biophysics, Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of  Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 27- Jul. 1, 2005.

Y. Okawachi, J.E. Sharping, and A.L. Gaeta, M.S. Bigelow, A. Schweinsberg, and R.W. Boyd, Z. Zhu and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Tunable all-optical delays via Brillouin slow light in an optical fiber,’ Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), Baltimore, MD, May 22-27, 2005.

R.W. Boyd, D.J. Gauthier, A.L. Gaeta, and A.E Wilner, ‘Limits on the Time Delay Induced by Slow-Light Propagation,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 24, 2005.

Z. Zhu, D.J. Gauthier, Y. Okawachi, A.L. Gaeta, A. Schweinsberg, and R.W. Boyd, ‘Numerical study of slow light via stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fiber,’ Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), Baltimore, MD, May 22-27, 2005.

H. Jeong, A.M. Dawes, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Direct Observation of Optical Precursors in a Region of Anomalous Dispersion,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 24, 2005.

L. Illing, D. Gauthier, *’Hopf Bifurcations in Time-Delay Systems with Band-Limited Feedback,’ SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, May 22-26, 2005.

A.M. Pitruzzello, S.S. Kalb, D.J. Gauthier, W. Krassowska, S.F. Idriss, ‘The Restitution Portrait in Rabbit Epicardium Reveals Spatial Heterogeneity in Short-Term Memory,’ Heart Rhythm 2005, New Orleans, LA, May 4-7, 2005. [Heart Rhythm, 2: S299 (2005)]

H. Dobrovolny, C. Berger, S. Kalb, S. Idriss, D. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, D. Gauthier, ‘Spatial heterogeneity of the restitution portrait correlates with alternans in paced cardiac tissue,’ Heart Rhythm, New Orleans, LA, May 4-7, 2005. [Heart Rhythm, 2: S297 (2005)]

C.M. Berger, H.M. Dobrovolny, S.S. Kalb, S.F. Idriss, D.G. Schaeffer, D.J. Gauthier, W. Krassowska,’Investigating a Period-Doubling Bifurcation in Cardiac Tissue using Alternate Pacing,’ American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 21-25, 2005.

H.M. Dobrovolny, E.G. Tolkacheva, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Spatiotemporal dynamics and control of alternans in cardiac tissue with short-term memory,’ APS March meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Mar. 21-25, 2005.

D. J. Gauthier, D. Schaeffer, and W. Krassowska, *’New approaches for modelling heart dynamics,’ Applied Math Seminar, Duke University, Mar. 7, 2005.

L. Illing, A. Dawes, S. M. Clark, and D. J. Gauthier, *’Ultra-low-level all-optical switching using a collective instability,’ CNCS Seminar Series, Durham, NC, Feb. 15, 2005.

D. J. Gauthier, A. M Dawes, L. Illing, and S. M. Clark *’Ultra-low-light-level all-optical switching using dissipative optical patterns,’ NC Photonics Seminar Series, Durham, NC, Jan. 28, 2005.

A. Dawes, S. M. Clark, L. Illing, D. J. Gauthier, *’Observation of ultra-low-light-level all optical switching,’ Photonics West, San Jose, CA, Jan. 22-27, 2005.

L. Illing, S. M. Clark, A. Dawes, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Ultra-low-level light-by-light switching using a collective instability,’ Dynamics Days 2005, Long Beach, CA, Jan. 7-10, 2005.

D. J. Gauthier, A. M Dawes, L. Illing, and S. M. Clark *’New techniques for ultra-low light-level nonlinear optics,’ XXXV Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January 3, 2005.


D. Gauthier, *’Superluminal light, subluminal information transmission,’ 2004 Annual Meeting of SESAPS, Oak Ridge, TN, Nov. 13, 2004.

S. S. Kalb, E. Tolkacheva, R. A. Oliver, D. G. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, ‘Investigation of a cardiac mapping model using the restitution portrait,’ 2004 BMES Annual Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 13-16, 2004.

R. A. Oliver, A. W. Wood, S. S. Kalb, W. Krassowska, ‘Restitution portrait in Luo-Rudy-dynamic cardiac membrane model,’ 2004 BMES Annual Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 13-16, 2004.

N. Brown, D. Gauthier, and P. Wolf, ‘Improving optrode performance:  Coupling light from a light emitting diode into a small core fiber,’ 2004 BMES Annual Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 13-16, 2004.

D. Gauthier, *’The information velocity,’ Center for Photonic Communication and Computing, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Oct. 18, 2004.

D. Gauthier, *’Tutorial on: Fast and Slow Light,’ 2004 Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Oct. 10-14, 2004.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Superluminal light pulses, subluminal information transmission,’ 2004 Nonlinear Optics, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Aug. 2-6, 2004.

D. Gauthier, *’Physics and Applications of “Slow” Light,’ 2nd Annual Summer School, Fitzpatrick Center for Photonics and Communication Systems, Duke University, Durham, NC, July 27, 2004.

J. Cain, E. Tolkacheva, D. Schaeffer and D. Gauthier ‘Rate-dependent waveback velocity of cardiac action potentials in a one-dimensional cable,’ International Conference for Mathematics in Biology and Medicine (2004 Annual Meeting for the Society of Mathematical Biology “SMB-2004”), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, July 25-28, 2004.  (Winner, Best Graduate Student Poster competition.)

E. Tolkacheva, S. Kalb, H. Dobrovolny, S. Idriss, W. Krassowska, and D. Gauthier, *’Restitution Portrait: a New Technique for Investigating Restitution Properties of Periodically Paced Cardiac Tissue,’ 2004 SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, Portland, OR, July 11, 2004.

D. Gauthier, *’Information Velocity,’ Workshop on Slow Light, Charlotte, NC, July 12, 2004.

H. Dobrovolny, R. Oliver, S. Kalb, E. Tolkacheva, W. Krassowska, and D. Gauthier, ‘Conduction velocity dispersion in cardiac tissue,’ 2004 CAP Congress, Winnipeg, Canada, June 13-16, 2004.

D. Gauthier, ‘Observation of fast information velocity in a slow-light medium,’ 2004 Annual Meeting of DAMOP, May 29, 2004.

H. Dobrovolny, R. Oliver, S. Kalb, E. Tolkacheva, D. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, D. Gauthier, ‘Action potential and conduction velocity restitution in cardiac tissue’, APS March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 21-26, 2004.

D. Gauthier, * ‘Measuring the information velocity in fast- and slow-light media,’ North Carolina State University Physics Department Colloquium, Raleigh, NC, Mar. 15, 2004.

D. Gauthier, *’Measuring the information velocity in fast- and slow-light media,’ MIT/Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms Seminar, Cambridge, MA, Feb. 24, 2004.

D. Gauthier, *’Measuring the information velocity in fast- and slow-light media,’ University of Virgina Physics Department Colloquium, Charlottesville, VA, Feb. 13, 2004.

D. Gauthier, *’Measuring the information velocity in fast- and slow-light media,’ XXXIV Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January 6, 2004.

E.G. Tolkacheva, S. Kalb, D.G. Schaeffer, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Short-term versus long-term memory in the two-dimensional mapping model of paced cardiac tissue’, Dynamics Days, Chapel Hill, NC, Jan. 2-5, 2004. (3rd place winner of best poster competition.)


D. Gauthier, *’Measuring the information velocity in fast- and slow-light media,’ University of Rochester, Institute of Optics Colloquium, Dec. 9, 2003.

D. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos in fast dynamical systems,’ Laser Science Conference XIX, Tuscon, AZ, Oct. 8, 2003.

E. Tolkacheva, *’The effect of memory on cardiac dynamics’, Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Syracuse, NY, Sept. 2003.

S. Sau, H. Dobrovolny, E. Tolkacheva, D. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, D. Gauthier, ‘New Experimental Protocol for Simultaneous Measurement of the S1S2, Constant-BCL and Dynamic Restitution Curves,’ Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, New London, NH, August 10-15, 2003 (Winner of Best Experimental Poster Award).

H. Dobrovolny, S. Sau, H. Elmariah, D. Gauthier, J. Gilligan, J. Wikswo, ‘Use of LEDs for imaging cardiac tissue,’ Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, New London, NH, August 10-15, 2003.

E. Tolkacheva, M. Romeo, M. Guerraty, D. Gauthier, ‘Condition for alternans and its control in two-dimensional mapping model of paced cardiac tissue,’ Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, New London, NH, August 10-15, 2003.

R. Oliver, C. Henriquez, W. Krassowska, ‘Stability and arrhythmogenesis during rapid pacing of a right atrial model,’ Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, New London, NH, August 10-15, 2003.

L.Illing, J. N. Blakely, and Daniel J. Gauthier, ‘Control of fast Chaos in a Time-Delay System’, Gordon Research Conference on Nonlinear Science,’ Tilton, NH, August 3-8, 2003.

D. Gauthier, *’Measuring the effect of a “fast light” medium on the information velocity,’ Physics Seminar, Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain, Jul. 2, 2003.

D. Gauthier, *’Controlling cardiac dynamics,’ Seminaire Général de Physique, Institut Non Linéaire de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France, Jun. 27, 2003.

D. Gauthier, *’Instability limits to “fast light” optical pulse propagation,’ European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany, Jun. 24, 2003.

M.D. Stenner and D.J. Gauthier ‘Observation of large “fast light” pulse advancement without distortion,’ Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS) , Baltimore, Maryland, June 1-6, 2003.

D. Gauthier, ‘Information velocity in `fast light’ optical pulse propagation,’ 2003 Annual Meeting of DAMOP, Boulder, CO, May 21-24, 2003.

D. Gauthier, ‘A new electro-optic device for generating high-speed chaos,’ 2003 Annual Meeting of DAMOP, Boulder, CO, May 21-24, 2003.

H. Dobrovolny, S. Sau, E. Tolkacheva, D. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, D. Gauthier, ‘New Experimental Protocol for Simultaneous Measurement of the S1S2, Constant-BCL and Dynamic Restitution Curves,’ NASPE, Washington, DC, May 14-17, 2003.

D. Gauthier, *’Controlling Cardiac Dynamics,’ General Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, Cornell University, April 21, 2003.

H. Dobrovolny, S. Sau, E. Tolkacheva, D. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, D. Gauthier, ‘Stability of Cardiac Response Patterns’, Dynamics Days, January, 2003.


D.J. Gauthier, *’ “Fast” and “Slow” light,’ Department of Physics Colloquium, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, October 24, 2002.

D. Gauthier, *’Controlling cardiac arrhythmias,’ Nonlinear Waves in Biology, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, CO, August 5, 2002.

D. Gauthier and M. Stenner, *’Large fast-light pulse advancement,’ Quantum Optics Mini Program, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, July 18, 2002.

D. Gauthier and M. Stenner, ‘Instability limits to “fast light” propagation,’ 2002 Annual Meeting of DAMOP, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, June 1, 2002.

M.D. Stenner and D.J. Gauthier, ‘ Instability Limits to “Fast” Light Pulse Propagation,’, CLEO/QELS (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference) Long Beach, CA, May 19-24, 2002.

D.J. Gauthier, *’ “Fast” and “Slow” light,’ Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Colloquium, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, NC, April 26, 2002.

S. Sau, W. Krassowska, D. Gauthier, ‘Restitution Properties and Stability of Response Patterns in Cardiac Muscle,’ Annual American Physics Society March Meeting 2002, Indianapolis, IN, March 20, 2002.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Modulation-instability limits to “fast” light pulse propagation,’ XXXII Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January 10, 2002.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Dynamics of a two-photon laser,’ Naval Research Laboratory Seminar, November 29, 2001, Washington, DC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’ “Slow” and “Fast” Light,’ 68th Annual Meeting Southeastern Section Meeting of the APS, November 5, 2001, Charlottesville, VA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Suppressing Alternans in Small Pieces of Periodically-Paced Myocardium,’ Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, October 4, 2001, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Existence of Bistability and Correlation with Arrhythmogenesis in Paced Sheep Atria,’ Biophysics Seminar, Vanderbilt University, July 24, 2001, Nashville, TN.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Polarization dynamics of a two-photon Raman laser,’ Eighth Rochester Conference on Coherence & Quantum Optics Rochester, NY, June 13-16, 2001.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘ Pulse propagation in a high-gain bichromatically-driven Raman amplifier,’ Eighth Rochester Conference on Coherence & Quantum Optics Rochester, NY, June 13-16, 2001.

M.D. Stenner and D.J. Gauthier, ‘ Quantum limits to superluminal pulse advancement,’ CLEO/QELS (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference) Baltimore, MD, May 6-11, 2001.

D.J. Gauthier, *’A Flexible Source of Optical Chaos for Use in Communications,’ Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research, Advances in Computational Nonlinear Science Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, May 1, 2001.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘A Flexible Source of Optical Chaos for Use in Communications,’ Weapons Sciences Directorate, AMSAM-RD-WS-ST Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center, U. S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL, April 23, 2001.

M.D. Stenner and D.J. Gauthier, *’Quantum limits to superluminal pulse advancement,’ XXXI Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT, January 7-11, 2001.

J.N. Blakely and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Flexible Source of Optical Chaos for Use in Communications,’ Dynamics Days 2001, Chapel Hill, NC, January 4, 2001.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Progress toward controlling fibrillation in sheep atria using small electrical stimuli and chaos-control protocol,’ Workshop on Mapping and Control of Complex Arrhythmias, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, October 29, 2000.

J.N. Blakely and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Flexible Source of Optical Chaos for Use in Communications,’ OPTO-Southeast Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Imaging, Charlotte, North Carolina, September 19, 2000.

M.D. Stenner and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of polarization instabilities in a two-photon laser’, OPTO-Southeast Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Imaging, Charlotte, North Carolina, September 19, 2000.

M.D. Stenner, O. Pfister, W.R. Brown, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of polarization instabilities in a two-photon laser,’ 2000 Annual Meeting of DAMOP, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, June 14 – 17, 2000.

D.J. Gauthier, * ‘Delay-Induced Instabilities in Semiconductor Lasers,’ IEEE Colloquium and Nonlinear Systems Program Seminar, School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, February 1, 2000.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Preliminary Attempts to Control Experimentally a Fibrillating Sheep Atrium,’ 19th Annual International Conference on Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics, Dynamics Days 2000, Sante Fe, NM, January 5-8, 2000.


J.N. Blakely and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of a New Scaling Relation in the Transition from Synchronized Chaos to Attractor Bubbling’, 66th Annual Meeting Southeastern Section Meeting of the APS, Chapel Hill, NC, November 8, 1999.

O. Pfister, W.R. Brown, and D.J. Gauthier, *’Experimental Realization of a two-photon laser in strongly driven potassium atoms,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 1999, Baltimore, MD.

J.N. Blakely and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Experimental Evaluation of Several Proposed Criteria for Synchronization’, 5th SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, May 23, 1999, Snowbird, UT.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Heart Dynamics Using Small Perturbations,’ Simpson Forum, Simpson College, March 31, 1999, Indianola, IA.

J.N. Blakely and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Experimental Determination of the Coupling Required for Synchronization of Hyperchaos’, APS Centennial Meeting, March 22, 1999, Atlanta, GA.

J.N. Blakely and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Experimental Comparison of Synchronization Criteria Using Non-normal Oscillators’, Dynamics Days, January 6, 1999, Atlanta, GA.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling the Dynamics of Cardiac Tissue using Electrical Stimuli,’ Mathematical Biology Seminar, Duke University, December 2, 1998.

D.J. Gauthier, *’The Two-Photon Laser,’ Southeastern Section of the American Physics Society Annual Meeting, November 14, 1998, Miami, FL.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Nonlinear Dynamics of the Heart,’ Center for Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies Industrial Associates Meeting, October 22, 1998, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Heart Dynamics Using Small Perturbations,’ Biophysics Seminar, Vanderbilt University, October 8, 1998, Nashville, TN.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Cardiac Dynamics,’ Department of Zoology Colloquium, Duke University, September 14, 1998, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Experimental Control of Cardiac Dynamics Using Small Perturbations,’ Minisymposium on Unstable Periodic Orbits in Biology: Identification and Control, Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, July 16, 1998, Toronto, Canada.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Robust Control and Synchronization of Chaos,’ U.S. Army Research Office Seminar, July 1, 1998, Research Triangle Park, NC.

O. Pfister, W.R. Brown, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘A new mechanism for continuous-wave two-photon amplification,’ International Quantum Electronics Conference, May, 1998, San Francisco, CA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Spatio-Temporal Complexity and Fast Synchronization in a Neuronal Network,’ Annual March Meeting of the American Physics Society, March 18, 1998, Los Angeles, CA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Heart Dynamics Using Small Perturbations,’ Center for Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies Video Seminar, Duke University, February 24, 1998, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Heart Dynamics Using Small Perturbations,’ Biomedical Engineering Center for Dynamic Control Seminar, Boston University, January 29, 1998, Boston, MA.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling Heart Dynamics Using Small Perturbations,’ Dynamics Days, January 9, 1998, Chapel Hill, NC.

G.M. Hall and D.J. Gauthier, ‘A Test Bed for Control of Cardiac Tissue,’ Dynamics Days, January 8, 1998, Chapel Hill, NC.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Linear and Nonlinear Chaos Control without Reference States,’ Workshop on Theory, Diagnostics and Control of Chaos, December 5, 1997, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL.

D.J. Gauthier, *’The Two-Photon Laser,’ Department of Physics Colloquium, November 12, 1997, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Heart Dynamics Using Small Perturbations,’ Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar, November 11, 1997, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Chaos in Fast Optical Systems,’ Southeastern Section of the American Physics Society Annual Meeting, November 6, 1997, Nashville, TN.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Synchronization of Chaotic Systems,’ 4th Experimental Chaos Conference, Aug. 8, 1997, Boca Raton, FL.

G.M. Hall and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Experimental Control of a Chaotic System Using Interspike Intervals,’ 4th Experimental Chaos Conference, Aug. 6, 1997, Boca Raton, FL.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Dynamics and Control of High-Speed Instabilities and Chaos in Semiconductor Lasers,’ Fundamentals and Modelling of Lasers and Ultra Short Pulse Interactions, University College, July 23, Cork, Ireland.

W.R. Brown and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Quantum Noise Properties of a Saturated Amplifier,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 22, 1997, Baltimore, MD.

J.R. Gardner, W.R. Brown, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Collective Atomic Recoil and Dressed-State Resonances,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 23, 1997, Baltimore, MD.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Laser Beam Amplification due to Collective Atomic Recoil,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 21, 1997, Baltimore, MD.

D.W. Sukow and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Suppression and entrainment of power-dropout events in external-cavity semiconductor lasers, ‘Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 22, 1997, Baltimore, MD.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling Chaos in Fast Optical Systems,’ American Physics Society Annual March Meeting, March 17-21, 1997, Kansas City, MO.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Dynamics of Hearts and Brains,’ Nonlinear Dynamics Seminar, February 20, 1997, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC.

D.J. Gauthier *’Controlling the Dynamics of the Heart Using Small Perturbations,’ Condensed Matter Seminar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, February 5, 1997, Chapel Hill, NC.

G.M. Hall and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Complex Dynamical Behavior of Small Pieces of Cardiac Tissue,’ Dynamics Days Arizona, January 8-11, 1997, Scottsdale, AZ.

D.W. Sukow and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Regulation of power-dropout events in an external Cavity Semiconductor Laser under Drive Current Modulation,’ Dynamics Days Arizona, January 8-11, 1997, Scottsdale, AZ.


D.J. Gauthier, *’The two-photon laser,’ Department of Physics Colloquium, Wake Forest University, September 26, 1996, Winston-Salem, NC.

D.J. Gauther, *’Issues in controlling chaos in fast optical systems,’ Workshop on Communication by Chaos: Digital Signal Generation by Simple Nonlinear Devices, U.S. Army Research Office, June 5, 1996, RTP, NC.

J.R. Gardner, ‘Observation of large cw two-photon optical amplification,’ DAMOP Annual Meeting, May 15, 1996, Ann Arbor, MI.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Two-photon lasers and amplifiers,’ Center for Laser Research Colloquium, March 11, 1996, Stillwater, OK.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos in fast optical systems,’ 26th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, January 8, 1996, Snowbird, UT.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Intermittent loss of synchronization in coupled dynamical systems,’ Nonlinear Dyamics Seminar, December 14, 1995, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Intermittent loss of synchronization in coupled dynamical systems,’ Nonlinear Dyamics Seminar, December 13, 1995, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos in fast optical systems,’ IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Washington/Northern Virginia Monthly Meeting, December 12, 1995, College Park, MD.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Tutorial on chaos and fractals,’ Workshop on Chaos, Fractals and Wavelets in Data Links, November 14, 1995, Redstone Arsenal, AL.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos in fast optical systems,’ IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, October 30, 1995, San Francisco, CA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Control enhanced synchronization: toward controlling spatio-temporal chaos,’ Workshop on Controlling chaos in Hearts and Brains, June 23, 1995, Pisa, Italy.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling the unstable steady-states of lasers using continuous feedback,’ Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems, June 7, 1995, Rochester, NY.

D.J. Gauthier and H.M. Concannon, ‘Observation of 30% continuous-wave two-photon amplification,’ Seventh Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, June 8, 1995, Rochester, NY.

H.M. Concannon and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Large cw two-photon optical amplification,’ Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference ’95, May 24, 1995, Baltimore, MD.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Large continuous-wave two-photon gain in laser driven alkali atoms,’ National Institute of Standards and Technology Seminar, April 7, 1995, Boulder, CO.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Synchronizing chaos: Application to control of cardiac arrhythmias,’ Duke Electrophysiology Seminar, February 21, 1995, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Intermittent loss of synchronization in coupled chaotic oscillators,’ Dynamics Days, January 5, 1995, Houston, TX.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Synchronizing chaos – The next step in mastering chaos,’ Nonlinear and Complex Systems Seminar, Duke University, November 8, 1994, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’On-off intermittency in synchronized chaotic systems,’ Optics group seminar, Phillips Laboratory, October 28, 1994, Albuquerque, NM.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Synchronizing chaos – The next step in mastering chaos,’ Condensed Matter Seminar, Pennsylvania State University, October 24, 1994, State College, PA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Synchronizing chaos – The next step in mastering chaos,’ Condensed Matter Seminar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, October 4, 1994, Chapel Hill, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos in fast dynamical systems,’ Application of Chaos, Fractals, and Complex Spatio-Temporal Systems, May 27, 1994, Redstone Arsenal, AL.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos in fast dynamical systems,’ Dynamics Days, January 5, 1994, Durham, NC.

D.W. Sukow and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling chaos under 100 ns,’ Dynamics Days, January 5, 1994, Durham, NC.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos in fast dynamical systems,’ Department Colloquium, University of Alabama, December 5, 1993, Huntsville, AL.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos using time-delay auto synchronization,’ Optics group seminar, Phillips Laboratory, November 19, 1993, Albuquerque, NM.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Mastering chaos,’ Department Colloquium, Duke University, November 10, 1993, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling chaos: the real world,’ Nonlinear and Complex Systems Seminar, Duke University, October, 1993, Durham, NC.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Two-photon Raman laser,’ Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, October 8, 1993, Toronto, Canada.

D.J. Gauthier, D. Sukow, and H. Concannon, ‘Electromagnetically enhanced two-photon gain and absorption,’ Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, October 7, 1993, Toronto, Canada.

D.J. Gauthier, *’Instabilities in two-photon lasers,’ SPIE Conference on Chaos in Optics, July 15, 1993, San Diego, CA.

D.J. Gauthier, *’The two-photon laser,’ International School of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, June 19, 1993, Erice, Sicily.


D.J. Gauthier, D. Sukow, and H. Concannon ‘Dressed-state spectroscopy,’ Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, September 27, 1992, Albuquerque, NM.

D.J. Gauthier, *’New developments in two-photon lasers,’ Multiphoton Processes Gordon Research Conference, June 9, 1992, New London, NH.


D.J. Gauthier, *’Controlling optical chaos,’ Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory, November 10, 1991, College Park, MD.