
Module 7

In this module, I learned the importance of finding my own source of motivation. The source of motivation may come from internal drive, such as from interest, from ideals, or from a sense of achievement, value, etc., but all these sources can actually be boiled down to one point, that is, to better adapt to the environment.
When people are out of balance with the environment, in order to restore balance and re-adapt to the environment, people need to improve their ability so that they can re-adapt to the environment. And to improve one’s abilities, people need to learn. At this time, learning is valuable, and people will have the motivation to learn.
Simply put, only when the knowledge learned is useful and can help people better adapt to the environment, people have the motivation to learn. There are two ways to adapt to the environment, one is to adapt to the future environment and the other is to adapt to the current environment.

My advice to students is to find ways to adapt to existing and future circumstances, to find the impact between themselves and their environment, and to reflect on whether they need to improve. This can help us better find our source of motivation.

Module 6

One of the important things I learned in this module is that academic papers in college are argumentative and inquiry-oriented, which means that we need to support our arguments with reliable information, rather than blindly following our own speculations. Therefore, in the writing process, it is very important to research materials and articles that fit your own arguments. Not only that, but research is different from search. The articles collected by the research mean that we need to critically judge what to search for, rather than simply finding a particular piece of information. We need to analyze the source and reliability of the information.

This module also mentions how we check the reliability of information sources. For example, whether the author lists her academic qualifications and whether the information comes from reputable publishers and organizations. It is undeniable that with the development of the Internet, we have more sources of information exposure, and we need to have the ability to independently distinguish to help us screen the right information.

In addition to checking the reliability of the information, we let check the quality of the information and whether it is relevant to our arguments. It is undeniable that we need to find information relevant to our arguments to support our arguments

Module 5

One important thing I learned in this module is to stay motivated about university courses. As mentioned in the module, university courses require students to be motivated and autonomous in their studies. Because during university courses, professors do not pay too much attention to students who do not attend the course, and absent students may miss important information. It is undeniable that the study life of university is different from high school, and it tests students’ autonomy and enthusiasm. And these self-control skills are also what we need at work in the future. Therefore, cultivating self-motivation for learning during university helps us to actively face various challenges in our future work and thus obtain the desired rewards.

My advice to other students is to actively attend each lecture and actively use different note-taking methods to help them find the right learning method for themselves. In addition, when we miss a lecture due to unavoidable circumstances, we should take the initiative to contact the professor to complete our missed notes or borrow them from other students. The focus of each lecture is on the test points that may occur in the exam, so we should study seriously with a positive attitude.

Module 4

In this module, I learned the most important thing about how to interact with online reading. It seems to me that when reading a long text, it is easy for us to read mechanically, lose the direction of reading, and the knowledge does not leave an impact in our minds.

Therefore, In this module I learned how to get the most out of reading, which is to interact with reading! I can exercise my information gathering and summarizing skills by summarizing the main points in the margins of the page. I also pause after reading a few paragraphs to test my comprehension by designing questions like “What did this paragraph just say?” “How are these three paragraphs connected to each other?” Through different questions, I can motivate me to read and help me consolidate important content. In addition to this, another method is to help me understand the main points of the article through some charts. I think mind maps are a great way to help us sort out the important content in the article and find connections.

My advice to other students is that when reading texts, we should interact more with the reading. This can help us deepen our understanding of reading and complete reading more efficiently.

Module 3

In this week’s lesson, I learned the most useful way to overcome procrastination. In the video it is mentioned that difficult tasks can be divided into parts, so that difficult tasks are divided into simple tasks, so that we feel that we are capable of completing them. In addition, we can also ask ourselves three questions when we procrastinate on tasks: where are you, what do you want to do, and how do feel after doing it. These questions can help us clearly face our dilemmas, find the direction of future tasks, and imagine the sense of accomplishment we will achieve after completing them.

In my opinion, the level of aversion to tasks can cause people to procrastinate. That’s because people choose to avoid tasks that can be tedious, frustrating, and resentful, and if they can’t, postpone them as much as possible. Therefore, if we imagine our sense of accomplishment after completing a task, we will stimulate our potential and motivate ourselves to complete tasks.

After reading this module, my advice to other students is that procrastination is negatively correlated with some cognitive psychology, and that there are ways we can change these incorrect perceptions, such as using positive cues, increasing the experience of success, and amplifying strengths to gain confidence.

Module 2

The most useful thing I learned in this module is some etiquette for online communication. With the advancement of technology, online communication has become more frequent. We should master the appropriate online etiquette in order to have a good experience for ourselves and others. It is undeniable that the way you communicate online is prone to misunderstanding. In this case, social network etiquette must be based on mutual respect in order to better achieve the purpose of communication. I apply what I learned from Academic Email to the real world. These include the correct way to greet and conclude. I also received a positive response from the professor, which indicates that my email communication etiquette is appropriate. This makes me feel very happy. As an international student, I always worry that I don’t take into account some of the local customs and manners. Therefore, what I learned from this module has helped me a lot. In the future, I hope to put some of the methods of the group communication into practice to help me build positive online communication with others. This will not only help my academic life, but it will also help me a lot in the way I communicate in my future career development