Congratulations on our group's new paper, Select-and-Combine (SAC): A Novel Multi-Stereo Depth Fusion Algorithm for Point Cloud Generation via Efficient Local Markov Netlets published in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
— OSU Geospatial Data Analytics (@GDAOSU) August 11, 2023
Congratulations! Our article has been published in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
— OSU Geospatial Data Analytics (@GDAOSU) July 25, 2023
A recent paper on a comprehensive analysis of the performance of NeRF-based Geometric reconstruction and traditional photogrammetry, including reconstructing difficult cases such as reflective and transparent surfaces.
— OSU Geospatial Data Analytics (@GDAOSU) July 21, 2023
Congratulations on our new publication in PLOS ONE for the BREATHE-Smart project. We made a great contribution to the colorimetric measurement. Thanks for everyone’s cooperation and hard work.
— OSU Geospatial Data Analytics (@GDAOSU) June 23, 2023
Congratulations to the first Ph.D. graduate in our lab, for a fantastic thesis defense! We are so proud of you, Dr. Hessah Albanwan! @albanwan_h (2022/07/06)
— OSU Geospatial Data Analytics (@GDAOSU) July 25, 2022
We are thrilled to receive the Talbert Abrams Grand Award for our work “A Unified Framework of Bundle Adjustment and Feature Matching for High-resolution Satellite Images”
— OSU Geospatial Data Analytics (@GDAOSU) January 16, 2022
We present our Active Low-cost Hyperspectral imaging system on TDAI Fall Forum
— OSU Geospatial Data Analytics (@GDAOSU) November 2, 2021
09/02/2021, We had two papers accepted by ISPRS Journal: 1. Automated LoD-2 Model Reconstruction from Very-High-Resolution Satellite-derived Digital Surface Model and Orthophoto. 2. Hierarchical Line Segment Matching for Wide-baseline Images via Exploiting Viewpoint Robust Local Structure and Geometric Constraints.
22/07/2021, two papers accepted in ICCV 2021, more to come.
27/03/2020, our group win the IEEE Data Fusion Contest 2020, we won both tracks and was placed the first in track 2. Congratuations to everyone! (link_contest_page, Media_link_to_CEGE, Media_ECE).
24/02/2020, our postdoc, Dr. Xiao Ling has joined our group, welcome! – We are still open to hire postdocs and fully-funded Ph.D. students in Photogrammetry and 3D Computer Vision/Machine Learning.
23/02/2020, our CVPR paper “Geometry-Aware Satellite-to-Ground Image Synthesis for Urban Areas” has been accepted!
12/11/2019, we will be organizing a tutorial session on “digital surface model generation from multi-view satellite images”, in which the participants will learn our software package RPC Stereo Processor (RSP) and the most advanced techniques in building high accuracy terrain models from commercial high resolution satellite images, including both incidental and stereo images. More information about this tutorial is coming soon.
12/02/2019, our team member, Wei Liu, have his paper “A multi-kernel domain adaptation method for unsupervised transfer learning on cross-source and cross-region remote sensing data classification” Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Big Congrats!
12/02/2019, our team members, Yilong Han and Xu Huang, have their paper “Assessment of dense image matchers for digital surface model generation using airborne and spaceborne images – an update” Accepted by The Photogrammetric Record, Big Congrats!
10/14/2019, our team members, Changlin Xiao and Xu Huang, have their paper “Treetop Detection using Convolution Neural Networks Trained through Automatically Generated Pseudo Labels” Accepted by International Journal of Remote Sensing, Big Congrats!
09/13/2019, our team members, Hessah Albanwan, Xiaohu Lu and Mao Li, have their paper “3D Iterative spatiotemporal Filtering for Classification of Multi-temporal Satellite Dataset” Accepted by Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Big Congrats!
09/03/2019, We are organizing a special issue in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IF:6.94), on the topic of “Multi-view Satellite image processing”, Call for paper link here.
06/14/2019, how to select a good stereo pair? check out the newly published paper on satellite stereo parameter analysis (link)
05/08/2019, check out our RSP software, it is currently available for test licenses.
03/30/2019, we won two tracks in the IEEE Data Fusion Contest 2019, the only U.S. institute winning in the past five years. Congratulates to our team members! Link to the concluded contest here
03/10/2019, our team member, Wei Liu, has his paper “Weakly supervised classification of time-series of very high resolution remotes sensing images by transfer learning” published in Remote Sensing Letters, Congrats!
01/28/2019, the team traveled to Denver for the ASPRS Annual Conference 2019. We presented three papers respectively on Bundle adjustment, dense matching evaluation and DSM refinement, the presentations are well-received.
11/30/2018, Dr. Qin is invited by Prof. Luis Bettencourt to give a talk at the Mensueto Institute for Urban Innovation on the topic of “Geospatial data for Urban and Environmental Applications”, the presentation is well received!
11/29/2018, Xiaohu has received the departmental travel grant, Congrats!
10/17/2018, Welcome Dr. Wenxia Gan, to join our lab as a visiting scholar for the next two years on her study on radiometric corrections.
07/04/ 2018, our paper ” Super Resolution of Laser Range Data Based on Image-guided Fusion and Dense Matching” first authored by our Postdoc Xu Huang gets accepted by ISPRS Journal. This is Xu’s first ISPRS Journal paper (first authored), achieved shortly after joining us. Great job, Xu please keep this thrust moving forward!
07/01, 2018, Wei Liu’s work in our group wins the third-place on his paper “An unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Multi-modal Remote Sensing Image Classification” in the CPGIS conference, congratulations!
05/30,2018, our paper ” A Novel Spectrum Enhancement Technique for Multi-temporal, Multi-Spectral Data Using Spatial-temporal Filtering” first authored by Hessah gets accepted by ISPRS Journal. Great job, Hessah it is not easy to knock down an ISPRS Journal paper in the first Ph.D. year!
04/02-11/2018, Congratulate Alex Julius, Bowen Wen, and Kara Lamantia, for having successfully defended their Master Thesis, Great job!
04/02/2018, Welcome to our new group member Xu Huang, A postdoctoral researcher in our group. His background is photogrammetry and remote sensing, and has been collaborating with us for a while prior to his arrival. Great, we look forward your contribution to the group.
01/08/2018, Welcome to our new group member Xiaohu Lu, A Ph.D. student in our group. And a Ph.D. position in machine learning and 3D vision is still available for the AU18 semester, if you are interested, please contact me by sending your CV and statements related to the field.
07/21/2017, Congratulate to our group member Chenyang Xu and Mao Li on their achievements in winning the Bronze medal in Kaggle Deep Learning Contest ( ), the final score ranked top 8% of the over 900 competing teams, with only 0.00352 score difference (in a scale of 1 ) to the top winner, good job!
04/03/2017, Congratulations to our group member Hessah Albanwan for having succefully defended her Master Thesis and rated high by the thesis committee. She is now officially admitted as a Ph.D. student in our group!
02/11/2017, position of our group based on Singapore is out, check the job description here (Link)
01/19 / 2017, Dr. Qin’s collaborating proposal to the National Research Foundation of Singapore Virtual Singapore Program has been accepted. Dr. Qin will be collaborating with Singapore ETH Center to work on semantic labeling and 3D building modeling. A position in our group based on Singapore will be sooner available!
01/18/2017, Our group was awarded a quick-study grant from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for a performance evaluation on our RSP stereo pipeline.
01/11/2017, Our group member Alexandra Julius was selected to attend the first ever “Learning from Earthquakes Travel Study Program”, organized by Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. This will support a one-week long travel to Chile.
12/15/2016, Dr. Lin from department of political science and Dr. Qin were awarded the TDA seed grant in using remote sensing to detect the impact of bombing and consequent demining efforts and their relation to economic growth in Cambodia.
11/30/2016, Dr. Qin won the fourth place in the IARPA topcoder 3D multi-view challenge based on his software RSP, and presented his solution in DC. (link)