Model for Improvement & PDSA

The following videos give an overview of the Model for Improvement and Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycles. PDSAs can also be referred to as Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Cycles. PDSA/PDCA templates can be found at the following link.



Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2017). Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 

Montgomery, T. & Lawrence, J. (2020). Ambulatory Continuous Quality and Process Improvement Training and Procedural Manual. The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, USA.  

MoreSteam. (2021). Process Improvement & Lean Six Sigma Toolbox. Retrieved from 

UC Improvement Academy. July 28, 2022. PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) cycles//Testing BEFORE Implementing. Video. YouTube.

Content Development

Primary Script Writer (select to reveal) 
  • Keri Cooper, MBA, RN, CPHQ
Script Collaborators (select to reveal) 
  • Amber Clevenger, MBA, LSSGB
  • Catherine Quatman-Yates, DPT, PhD
Acknowledged Contributors (select to reveal) 
  • Riley Summers, BS
  • Lauren Teuschler, M.Ed

Video Production:

Video animation and production by Jaclyn Gish-Lieberman, EdD, an Instructional Designer Senior Specialist in the Office of Curriculum and Scholarship for the College of Medicine. Visit the OCS Site to book a instructional project consultation.

Please reach out to with any questions.