Beef Quality Assurance on January 22

The Putnam County Extension office will be holding a Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program on Wednesday, January 22 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to become BQA-certified or to renew your certification. BQA certification lasts for a three-year period before it needs to be renewed. This program is offered at no cost to attendees. Light refreshments will be provided by the Putnam County Cattlemen’s Association.

Can’t make the program? Check out for in-person classes, or take the online course to obtain your certification/recertification!

2025 Putnam BQA

Planning for the Future of Your Farm – January 23, 2025

We are excited to announce the opportunity for farm families to explore the future of their farm in this day-long workshop!

OSU Extension invites farm families to learn how to create a plan for the future transition of their farm’s ownership, management, and assets to the next generation. Learn how to have crucial conversations about the future of your farm.

Workshop topics include: Developing Legacy Goals; Planning for the Transition of Management; Planning for the Unexpected; Communication and Conflict Management; Legal Tools and Strategies; Developing Your Team; Getting Your Affairs in Order; and Selecting an Attorney.

The base registration fee of $65 includes course materials, refreshments, and lunch for two persons. Additional family members can attend for $20 per person. More information can be obtained by contacting Beth Scheckelhoff at 419-523-6294, This workshop is being co-sponsored by Ohio Corn and Wheat.

Printable flyer and registration form: Putnam Planning for the Future

Registration deadline is January 18!

Organic Grains Conference on January 4-5

Registration is open for the 2nd annual Ohio State Organic Grains Conference, January 4-5, 2024 at the Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center near Toledo, Ohio. The 2024 conference offers programming for experienced organic growers, growers transitioning to or considering organic, and consultants or educators who support these growers. Featured speakers will include Klaas Martens from Lakeview Organic Grain in New York; Léa Vereecke from Rodale Institute; former Ohio State soil fertility specialist Steve Culman; and Eugene Law, currently of USDA-ARS, but soon to be an Ohio State assistant professor in weed ecology.

Take advantage of Early Bird pricing until December 6 and register now! The cost of $100 per person includes two days of quality programming, meals throughout the event, and opportunities to network with organic farmers in the region as well as speakers and trade show vendors.

This event is brought to you by Ohio State University Extension and Ohio State’s Organic Food & Farming Education and Research (OFFER) program. Continuing education credits will be available for Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs). For more information, visit

Visit to see information about the 2023 Organic Grains Conference, including recordings or slide decks from many of the presentations. In its first year, this event drew more than 180 participants.