2022 Putnam County Livestock Programs

Putnam county producers raise a large number of livestock each year – including hogs, cattle, sheep, and poultry. In 2022, producers will have the opportunity to attend both a Beef Quality Assurance Certification and Recertification program and a Livestock Mortality Composting Program.

Beef Quality Assurance
Thursday, January 13 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM

Many buyers only source beef from producers trained in Beef Quality Assurance (BQA). Ensure that you have complete market access by becoming BQA Certified or Recertified. Clint Schroeder, Extension Educator from Allen County, will conduct the program and answer producer questions and concerns.  There is no charge for this program.

Livestock Mortality Composting
Wednesday, February 2 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Composting is an economical and efficient method of disposal for livestock. Certification is needed in Ohio to compost cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, goats, and swine. This program will review how to appropriately construct, monitor, and manage your compost system. The course will be taught by OSU Extension Specialist Glen Arnold.  There is a $10 fee to attend this program and includes all materials.

Programs will take place at the Putnam County Extension Office.



Putnam County Coffee Talk Begins January 7

The extension office is excited to announce a new monthly series of programs that have been developed together with the Putnam County Soil and Water Conservation Service.  This series is called “Putnam County Coffee Talk” and will feature topics for both our agriculture industry as well as homeowners and the general public.

Putnam County Coffee Talk will take place on the first Friday of each month from 8:30 to 11:00 am at the OSU Extension office located at 1206 East 2nd Street in Ottawa. An agriculture-focused topic will begin at 8:30 and conclude at 9:30. Coffee and light refreshments will be available from 9:30 to 10:00 am. The homeowner/resident topic will run from 10:00 to 11:00 am.

The first segment of Coffee Talk will be on Friday, January 7 focusing on local and regional land values, a topic important to farmers, landowners, and residents alike. You might be interested to learn how land values have changed in and around Putnam County this past year and anticipated value changes for 2022 and beyond.

Both sessions will feature a panel of local land value experts, including Bob Benroth from the Putnam County auditor’s office, a local appraiser, and auctioneer. Sessions will discuss land values, CAUV, and the panel will be open for questions from all. Come to one session or stay for both and enjoy a coffee break in between!

Additional topics for the coming months include:

  • February 4: “Managing Manure on the Farm – Techniques and Regulations” followed by “The Scoop on Poop – Manure Applications in and Around the Home”
  • March 4: “The Why, How, and Where of Planting Windbreaks” followed by “Backyard Trees 101 – Ornamental and Fruiting Trees for Putnam County”
  • April 1: “Micronutrient Applications on the Farm – Bust or Benefit?” followed by “ABC’s of Lawn Care”
  • May 6: “Local Government Programs and Updates” followed by “Planting Primer for Your Putnam County Garden”
  • June 3: “Where Are We with Water Quality in Putnam County?” followed by “Managing Your Pond”

There will be no session in July, and Coffee Talk will resume on the first Friday from August through November. We hope to see you there!


Extension Office Taking Putnam County AG Hall of Fame Nominations

Since its creation in 1820, Putnam County has long been recognized as a highly productive agricultural county in Ohio. Past and present farmers have worked the ground, tended crops, raised livestock, protected our streams and rivers, and developed innovative equipment and methods to ensure that we have an abundance of food on our tables.

Early next year we will once again recognize our strong agricultural heritage by inducting recipients into the Putnam County Agriculture Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame honors individuals and businesses that have contributed significantly to Putnam County’s agricultural legacy. Last year, the Putnam County Agriculture Hall of Fame inducted Lewis Klass, formerly of Leipsic, Donald Kimmet of Ottawa, and Albert Maag of Findlay.

We need your help in identifying potential recipients for 2022 and beyond. If you know of someone who has contributed to the county’s agricultural base, please contact our office so that we may send them or a representative of their family a nomination form. Nomination forms may also be found on our website at www.putnam.osu.edu.

Award nominees, whether living or deceased, must have made their major contribution to agriculture as a result of being born in, living in, beginning or completing their career in Putnam County, Ohio. Nominations may be made in the following categories: producer or farmer; or an agricultural-related activity such as a business, industry association, education, or government.

A wooden plaque honoring our Putnam County Agriculture Hall of Fame recipients since 2018 is on display at the Courthouse in the Recorders office.

Putnam County Ag Hall of Fame Application