
What behavior change interventions have been implemented with regard to this behavior?
To enroll Medicaid and S-CHIP insurance

Describe the interventions
-It is based on individual change theory, and it applied health belief model
-This intervention was designed to better portray the nature of health care access among children eligible for these insurance.
-The intervention is called HATS, which stands for Health Insurance Access Thorough Schools program.
-School districts had to agree through a school board-approved contract to hire one or more full time outreach workers and application assistants for a period of up to one school year.
-At each school, the parent-teacher association or equivalence options and the onsite outreach worker were hired.
-Fliers were sent home with students to notify parents about insurance and availability of a school outreach worker, and to solicit information on the student’s current insurance status.
-Incentives were given to classes that returned fliers with parent responses.
-Outreach workers attended “open-house” and any similar scheduled event that brought parents to school.

“HATS” intervention
-Upon meeting with a parent, the outreach worker determined if an uninsured child was likely eligible for a subsidized insurance program.
-Parents were given information on available insurance programs, education on the importance of health insurance and how to best use primary care services, determination of financial eligibility, assistance with identifying financial and proof of residency documents to accompany the application, and reminders to complete the process over a period of weeks.
-The outreach worker often assisted parents with writing the information on the application.
-The outreach workers photocopied the application (for school record) and mailed the application to the appropriate agency.
-When necessary, the outreach worker also assisted parents in responding to inquiries about their submitted application.

Describe groups that have benefited from the various evidence-based intervention
– Large numbers of families with incomes under 250% of the federal poverty level.
– More than 85% of recruited families defined themselves as Latino.


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