
English 2269 – digital expression and the usage of Psuedonyms Online

This is simply a blog about the usage of psuedonyms.This website was created for a class English 2269 Digital Media Composition, in an attempt to test the usefulness of the wordpress interface. Thus far I have found the limitations of university branding and theming to be somewhat creatively limiting. But that is besides the point. For the purpose of blogging I would like to informally welcome you to this project. You can see above the links to the various artifacts I created through this class. As of writing this at 9:00pm the day prior to showing it off to the rest of the class I have neglected to create additional video artifacts and I’m uncertain whether I will get them up or not. I could build a website and may decide to build one on a separate website to replace this but I wanted to get something up that would be doable as time has been limited and I needed to have this to display for my studio day.

When I signed up for this class I had a vague idea that it would be about creating memes, and I found out that it was much more than that and the entire focus was on utilizing a tremendous variety of mediums to express oneself with a focus on the rhetorical impact of each of the different mediums. I intended to spend a lot of time dwelling in-depth in mediums I had yet to explore but instead found my time constraints and lack of discipline didn’t let me push myself towards learning anything completely novel. I did finally build a infographic which is a medium of expression that combines data-analysis with graphic design to attempt to convey information readily towards views. I discovered that it could be quite time consuming to create an infographic and difficult to decide exactly what one wanted to convey. In some ways it is simply designing an informative poster but with the web as the medium vs. the wall. It was a learning experience.I was able to do a lot of self-reflection in the process about the creation of psuedonyms and digital identity and while I didn’t have any epiphanies about my self-expression I became more comfortable with my decision to use psuedonyms sometimes and to not use them at others.