The Ohio State University

Meet the team

Team Members

Robert Sunderhaft – President

I’m Robert Sunderhaft, a Junior Data Analytics Major at The Ohio State University. At OSU I am involved with AI research, Engineers without Borders, and of course Project PEER. I am so fortunate to be a part of PEER as I have been able to collaborate with amazingly talented people, transform my own viewpoint of the world, and contribute to a meaningful project that makes a real difference in the Columbus community. I am so excited to grow PEER so we can expand our reach and touch as many lives as possible.

Abigail Longstreth – Associate Director

Hi everyone, my name is Abigail Longstreth. I’m a third-year at Ohio State majoring in Economics and minoring in Environmental Science. I’m involved with Project PEER because I believe strongly that all voices deserve to be heard and educational attainment should not be withheld from anyone. As a member of PEER, I hope to uplift the voices of incarcerated learners and create space for them to pursue their academic and personal goals. Aside from PEER, I’m involved with the Eminence Fellows and Buckeye Leadership Fellows Programs at Ohio State, and I volunteer at a youth drop-in center called Star House.

Gus Scaria – Treasurer

Hello everyone, my name is Gus Scaria. I’m a third year neuroscience major with a minor in child abuse and neglect. I’ve always been passionate about education, and I got involved in project peer because I saw the potential that education and discussion has in expanding perspectives and driving change. Outside of PEER, I’m involved in neuroscience research with Dr. Barrientos, health policy research at the health policy institute of Ohio, and am a team member of ServUs, a startup social enterprise in the Columbus area.




Additional Members:

Seyan Coco (Executive Director)

Jaideep Seth (Volunteer Chair)

Elizabeth Morgan

Peter Cooper