Autumn 2024

Seminar time: Thursdays 10:20-11:15am.
Location: Cockins Hall (CH) 212.

August 29:

September 5:

September 12:

September 19:

September 26: Paul Duncan (Indiana)

Title: Lattice Gauge Theory via a Cellular Representation

Abstract: A central question in the Potts model of magnetism concerns the relationships between distant spins at different temperatures. These correlations were fruitfully studied using the random-cluster model of percolation, which encodes the spin correlations in a dependent random graph. We will discuss an extension of this idea to higher dimensions, in which Potts lattice gauge theory, a model which assigns spins to edges instead of vertices, can be understood through a dependent random cubical complex. Based on joint work with Ben Schweinhart.


October 3:

October 10: Fall Break, No Seminar.

October 17:

October 24: Matthew Lerner-Brecher (MIT)

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

October 31: Mikhail Tikhonov (Virginia)

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

November 7: Jacob Richey (Rényi Institute)

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

November 14: Zongrui Yang (Columbia)

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

November 21: Jingheng Wang (Ohio State)

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

November 28: Thanksgiving Break, No Seminar.

December 5: