
Although my career is not absolute, at the moment I want to detail infantry before becoming an army engineer, followed by retiring and going to graduate school and entering the private sector. For my career as an engineer, I am gaining most of my skills now and will be over the next few years through my course load and labs. As for my infantryman career, most of the skills I will gain at Ohio State will be from the spring FTX’s at Fort Knox. Other experiences I will gain before I am fully qualified will be a 21 week training session at Fort Benning after I graduate from Ohio State. Some skills that I have already developed through high school and in my first semester of college will also play an important role in my career, such as my time management skills from juggling being a student, an athlete and a club member. Another, potentially less valuable skill, is the ability to wake up early. In high school, I would have to lift at 5:30 for football, and now in college I wake up at 5:10 for physical training or lab. Finally,  another skill that I hope to develop throughout college is to improve my computer skills. It is one of my weak points and constantly weighs me down in programming class.

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