Meeting Minutes 10/05/2022


Location: Zoom;!!KGKeukY!3jKTRM2LuOjkqYfLn0Cq31j0AaMU3P_mKOEhHfHddO_nTUtXkPTD5GlI1EVar0-U6Pnv0qqR520wS0vwZ8im$

Meeting Called By: Pre-Optometry Club

Duration: 1 Hour

Pre-Optometry Club Members will hear from New England College of Optometry (NECO). They heard a ton about the social and professional life in Boston. They also talked about what is living like in Boston, how to find a roommate, and how to find the right apartment.  What makes NECO Special:

  • Real world clinical experience 
  • You get the clinical experience starting your first year  (Starting the first few weeks of your first year) 
  • Have an MS/OD Progam
  • Have an PhD/OD Program 
  • Check website for tuition pricing  
  • Board Passage Rate: 76%, 90%, 76% (Part 1, 2, 3) 
    • There is a decline on the board passage rate. 