Rubric for the Practicum

List of Learning Outcomes for the 7289 Course
Learning Outcomes for the ESLTECH 7289 Course



Total: 15 Learning Agreement and Documentation of 75+ hours spent on a variety of field activities

Accurate completion and timely submission of Three Party Learning Agreement accompanied by Practicum Designs (initial/planned and final/actual) with appropriate communication and updates regarding any changes required in the practicum design; Exemplary and regular communication regarding Activity Logs and/or evidence of hours or activities undertaken during practicum exceeding those required.

Total: 10             Completion/Documentation of Initial Activities   

Exemplary submissions organized and clearly linked by section headings to listed initial practicum design activities and supported by activity log entries.  Entries demonstrate comprehensive observation, clear and deep reflection and analysis of situations that are grounded in both context and professional knowledge/experience and demonstrate growing awareness of personal styles and increasing understanding of the practicum context.  Appropriate/occasional reference is made to relevant professional sources.

Total: 15             Completion/Documentation of Progressive Activities 

Exemplary submissions organized and clearly linked by section headings to listed progressive practicum design activities and supported by activity log entries.  Entries demonstrate clear and deep reflection and analysis of situations grounded in both context and professional knowledge and experience and demonstrating growth of awareness of personal styles and approaches to specific skills.  Citation or use of relevant professional and scholarly sources are incorporated and documented within the submission as appropriate.

Total: 15             Completion/Documentation of Culminating Activities

Exemplary final documents corresponding to the culminating activities listed in the final practicum design.  Documentation is of a high professional quality are both appropriate and useful products demonstrating both learning and professional skills application relevant to the practicum participant’s future position.  Reflection and recommendations are clear and citation or use of relevant professional sources are incorporated and documented within the product as appropriate.

Total: 5 Other Components and Overall quality of Portfolio

Complete, clear, well-organized and easy to access; all supporting documentation located in sections clearly designated and linked/referenced where appropriate; reflective journal includes regular entries with both clear descriptions and evidence of initial reflections and identification of questions which are followed up in activity reflections.

Total: 20 Client and Instructor’s Ratings and Evaluation of Field Experience

Mentor and instructor agree that the participant made full use of the practicum experience to develop awareness of, skills for and ability to serve as a learning technologies professional, strove to extend the experience and responsibilities at every appropriate opportunity and demonstrated a clear understanding of and ability to perform duties associated with the future profession.