Further Readings

This page is dedicated to helpful readings that are meant to provide additional information regarding weight training and nutrition that has not been stated on this site:

  • “A Fundamental Guide to Weight Training” by Paul Rodgers on verywellfit.com. This website article is very similar to the likes of this site but expands on certain concepts and gives a quite in-depth analysis of new principles as well. If you’re looking to take the next into your fitness journey, this is one great article to look into.
  • “How to Plan a Weight Training Program” by PureGym. This another helpful website article that gives a detailed explanation about how to properly create a weight training schedule/program in order to fit your own personal goals/needs in the long and short run for any level of fitness.
  • Dietaryguidelines.gov. This website is an official website of the U.S. government that is an extremely helpful resource for learning more information about dieting, including what certain foods provide you with and how you can customize a diet in order to make it sustainable and one that fits your personal needs.
  • MyPlate.gov is another official government website that gives even more information about proportioning and how to accommodate certain lifestyles and bodies of all types with a proper diet. This is a very user-friendly resource backed up by very relevant scientific researched.

All readings are properly cited in the “Nutrition & Sources” section of this site.