
Global Awareness: This has been my favorite aspect of the G.O.A.L.S. and the one that I have spent the most time focused on. Last year I went on the Honors and Scholars study abroad trip to India, and this summer I accepted a critical language scholarship from the U.S. Department of State to study Arabic for eight weeks in Morocco.  These experiences, and the courses that I have taken related to them have opened my eyes to two unique cultures and given me a lot of insight on a deeper level than the ‘single story’ that we are fed about places. Travel and learning a new language have also taken me outside of my comfort zone and challenged me to grow.


Original Inquiry: I am in the beginning phases of research right now, contacting professors and keeping an eye out for opportunities. I plan on taking a political science class focused on research development next spring. I am hoping to combine my academic interests and do research on something involving the Middle East, media, and public opinion.

Academic Enrichment: As a curious person I have always loved school and learning. Through my two majors (political science and strategic communication), and my Arabic minor, I get to cover a broad range of subjects and gain a variety of skills, from AP Style to classical Arabic grammar.

Leadership Development: I am currently a senior editor for (a recently re-named) student-run publication called Alger Magazine, which provides thoughtful analysis and commentary on current events. This role has allowed me to hone my writing and editing skills, and become educated about many world issues. I throughly enjoy helping writers to shape their voice and structure and strengthen their skills.

Service Engagement: Both of the internships that I have held in my two years at Ohio State have been service related. The first, working as a Senate Page, involved serving the constituents of a state senate district, and my more recent internship, teaching citizenship education classes has allowed me to serve immigrants and refugees as they prepare for their naturalization exam in order to become U.S. citizens.