Manage Your Money 2017


We would love to learn from you! OSU Extension, Lucas County is partnering with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and the surrounding neighborhood in 2017.

Please take 5 minutes to anonymously answer 8 questions about Money.

Manage Your Money is an Ohio State University Extension six-week course to help you focus on your financial wellbeing.  Learn about individual and family values about money, where your money goes, how to save, plan your spending, limit debt and organize financial records.

In the spring of 2017, OSU Extension Lucas County partnered with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church to offer a six-week class series in South Toledo.Dates: The six-week classes were from on Wednesdays from April 19th through May 24th, 2017.

Who should attend? Any individual adult or couple who are co-spenders. High school students are welcome with a partner adult.

Patrice Powers-Barker, OSU Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences will be facilitating the course. If you are interested in reading about “Why I Am Bringing Work Home”, Patrice describes why she and her co-spender participated in the 2015 Manage Your Money Email Challenge.

Questions about this class? Contact Patrice at or 419-213-2022.