Making Powerful Impacts with a New Family Ecological Framework

On Thursday, October 29th Making Powerful Impacts with a New Family Ecological Framework will be one of the online break-out sessions at the 2020 Annual Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Conference.

We invite you to join us:


Description: Workshop session participants will be introduced to an energetic, lovable, Ohio family and will work in small groups to determine how the four concepts apply to different situations for this family and then share with the larger group. This activity will spark ideas for additional ways to apply this framework to work on various topics with families across the state.

Presenters & Group Facilitators:  James Bates and Erin Yelland* with Patrice Powers-Barker, Emily Marrison, Melissa J. Rupp, Laura Stanton, Kathy Tutt, Courtney Woelfl  (email links at end)

*Bates and Yelland are co-authors of  Family Rules, Family Relationships, and the Home: Reconceptualizing Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change in the Family Context published in 2018 in The Journal of the National Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (see page 112)


Bates, J. and Yelland, E. (2018). Family Rules, Family Relationships, and the Home: Reconceptualizing Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change in the Family Context. The Journal of the National Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Volume 13.

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Chute, T. (2014). Interview of Ray Bourhis and Sally Lanyon. Ohio State University Archives. Ohio State University. University Archives Oral History Program. Ohio State University Oral History Project.

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Kegler, M. C., Honeycutt, S., Davis, M., Dauria, E., Berg, C., Dove, C., Gamble, A., & Hawkins, J. (2015). Policy, systems, and environmental change in the Mississippi Delta: Considerations for evaluation design. Health Education & Behavior, 42(1S), 57S-66S.

McLeroy, K. R., Bibeau, D., Steckler, A., & Glanz, K. (1988). An ecological perspective on health promotion programs. Health Education Quarterly, 15, 351-377.

Moore, T. & Asay, S. (2015). Family resource management. In M. J. Walcheski, & J. S. Reinke (Eds.), Family life education: The practice of family science (pp. 205 -212). Minneapolis: MN: National Council on Family Relations.

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Tudge, J., Mokrova, I., Hatfield, B. and Karnik, R. (2009). Uses and Misuses of Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory of Human Development. Journal of Family Theory & Review. December 2009: 198 – 210.

What Is ‘Policy, Systems and Environmental Change’? (nd). Cook County Department of Public Health. Retrieved 09/22/20 from

Co-presenters, October 2020

James Bates 

Erin Yelland

Patrice Powers-Barker

Emily Marrison

Melissa J. Rupp

Laura Stanton

Kathy Tutt

Courtney Woelfl