Hello, My name is Addison! As shown in my coat of arms, I am a Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife major with a Forestry and Wildlife specialization. I also drew an icon of a Monstera deliciosa to represent my passion for houseplants as well as plants in general. Within my coat of arms you will also find a quote that speaks a lot to who I am as a person, “I do not and will not fear tomorrow, because I feel as though today has been enough” – Zach Bryan. I selected this quote because I am a huge advocate of living in the moment and often have to remind myself to slow down and take each day for all that it is (and I am a huge ZB fan as well).

I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge in botany as a whole. I am especially eager to discover plant species that exist in my home state that I have never recognized before. I hope to learn tools that will allow me to see more than just the “bigger picture” in our ecosystems and to recognize and appreciate the smaller, or underrated species that are out there. I am looking forward to a great semester!