Magnolia sp.

Scientific Name: Magnolia sp. Note: we are combining a large number of species of hybrid magnolia and looking at the genus as a whole here.

Common Name: hybrid magnolia

Native Range: based on species

Zone: 5-8

Plant type & Form: multistem shrub/tree

Height: 15-30′

Spread: 15-25′

Flower: showy, fragrant, 4-6″ gold/Yellow, pink, purple white;

Fruit: cone-like aggregate of follicles, 2 to 3 inches long; matures in late summer

Leaf: Alternate, simple, oblong to obovate, 3 to 6 inches long, entire margin, green above, paler and fuzzy below

Sun: Full

Soil type & pH: acidic moist well-drained soils

Maintenance: Medium

Identification notes: look for smooth grey bark and long shiny leaves.  The large furry buds can also be helpful for identifying magnolia, particularly in winter.