Hummers and Singers, OSU sites

Thanks to a USDA IPM Pollinator Health Grant, Hummers and Singers garden kits, signage and handouts were provided to 62 education/demonstration gardens coordinated by or affiliated with OSU Extension in spring of 2024. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the use of native perennials to attract diverse pollinators and other wildlife.

Prairie Nursery provided plants to partner gardens the week of April 23, 2024. The planting kit included 32 perennial plugs to fill a 6′ x 10′ area (see kit details here).

Each site installed plants together in a demonstration area to allow for educational programming. Sites used the OSU design on the accompanying garden guide, the design created by Prairie Nursery (see website for both designs), or the location’s own design. Handouts and signage were provided to each site in spring of 2024.
Contact Denise Ellsworth with questions about this project.