Registration open for 2024 Hands-on Project Clinic

We are so excited to once again offer a hands-on project clinic for non-livestock projects! Join us on Saturday, March 30 to dive into your 4-H projects!  Choose from four morning sessions and four afternoon sessions. THANK YOU to the First Presbyterian Church for a grant to help fund this year’s clinic! Thanks to that sponsorship, the cost is only $5 per member. (If that amount is cost-prohibitive for your family, please reach out to our office.) Besides learning about your project requirements, and completing learning activities, each participant will take home something to help them with their project completion! See session details on the flyer below.

Space is limited, so be sure to register as soon as possible, before the sessions fill up! Register by Friday, March 22 at:

Please note, we only have space for the 4-H members, so parents should plan to drop off their children for the clinic and pick them up at the conclusion. This clinic is not open to Cloverbuds or non-4-H members.

Also, a separate Cake Decorating Project Clinic is being planned this year as well. Watch for details coming soon!