Drug Use Notification (DUNF) form

All Pike County Junior Fair participants exhibiting Market Steers, Market Hogs, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Market Rabbits and Lactating Dairy animals can go online to complete the required Drug Use Notification Form. Please complete your online form by the time of your species weigh-in.  If, for any reason, a medication must be given between the time you submit the form and the time of the sale, you must contact the 4-H Educator so your DUNF can be updated.

Access the DUNF here: http://go.osu.edu/pikedunf

Or, scan this QR Code:

For Market Chickens, you will need to wait until the weigh-in when your birds will receive a leg band number that must go on your DUNF form.  We will have iPads available to complete the DUNF form during the weigh-in. All Market Chicken DUNFs must be completed by 5 p.m. Sunday, July 30.