Ohio 4-H is requiring ALL equine project members to participate in EquiSTEP (Equine Safety, Training, and Education Program annually.
FIRST-YEAR equine project members, CHOOSE Thursday, May 4 OR Tuesday, May 9 , 6:30 p.m. at Fairgrounds Multi-Purpose Building
In-person training at one of the above-listed dates is MANDATORY for ALL FIRST-YEAR equine members and a parent/guardian to attend. Horseless Horse project members are highly encouraged to attend.
RETURNING equine members can participate in one of the in-person sessions OR complete the EquiSTEP Training online at https://cfaesosu.catalog.instructure.com/courses/equistep-2023
If completing EquiSTEP online, it must by completed and certificate received at the Pike County Extension Office by May 10.