Month of Action: Plan

10 Actions that individuals can take to make an impact with the lack of composting are:

  1. Buying or making a bin that you can put your compost items inside of in order for your compost pile to look neat. Even if you cannot afford one or know how to build one on your own, you don’t even need a bin because you can literally start a pile of compost in our backyard.
  2. Start collecting! This action is probably the easiest of them all because you have all of the ingredients you need to compost already at your home, it’s just a matter of saving these ingredients and remembering not to throw them away in the trash.
  3. Collecting and shredding the leaves that fall on your yard every fall to add to compost bin
  4. Being aware (doing research) on what things you can and cannot add to your compost
  5. Turning your compost pile every once in a while to ensure the process is still happening properly
  6. Encouraging others around you to join you in this transition of lifestyle, once you have gotten the hang of composting yourself,
  7. Starting a composting organization with your neighbors, peers or (in my case) other students at your school who feel the same about composting
  8. Contacting your local/state government to try to push for compost services for your homes
  9. Hosting a small seminar on what composting is and how people can do it themselves
  10. Spreading the word about the benefits of composting by posting flyers around your school and/or neighborhood

The five actions I choose to commit to doing over the course of the month are:

  1. Start collecting compost materials while here at college and at home
  2. Create a compost pile or areas in my backyard at home
  3. Ask fellow students on the to join me in the pursuit
  4. Host a small event to explain what compost is and why more people should do it
  5. Email other people passionate about the subject to form an organization on campus  

What I see being challenging for me throughout this process is to remember all that I can compost and not throw away those items in the garbage. Another challenge would be not receiving an effective response from the people I intend to reach out to. I hope to learn how much effort it will take from people to start acting on an issue such as this one.