
Right now, in my career exploration process, I am in the Self-Assessment stage. Before coming into I thought I had made my decision as to what I wanted to do with my life. But after coming to college and being exposed to the many new things, it has lead me to rethink about my interests and what I value a lot more and to reconsider what I really want to do with my life. After completing this workshop, I learned that even though I had a good idea as to what I wanted to do with my life once I came to college, it would be smart to actually take some time to think about what it is I actually want to do. I also learned that is very normal for someone to not know exactly what they want to do in their life once they become an adult. For my code (RAS) O*Net only had a few career recommendations for me. With multiple combinations of my code, I repeatedly was recommended the career as a Park Naturalist. A few other career recommendations I received from the website were Dancer, Makeup Artist, Theatrical Performance, and Architecture Teacher, Postsecondary. However, when I changed my code from RAS to RAC, a longer list of career recommendations were offered, only two of which I was actually interested in. One career was Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders and Finishers while the other was Camera Operators, Television, Video and Motion Picture. My current path unfortunately does not match with the careers that my RAS code offers when I entered it into the website. My current path is focusing towards Veterinary Medicine, because my passions are in the area of working or interacting with animals on the daily basis. I noticed that the careers that the website recommended were still hands on type of careers, which I appreciate because I prefer to do hands on work when I get I find my career. My next steps now, are to do a thorough career search and see which each career description seems to align with my interest and values most accurately. After that, I should be able to adjust my college studies (if I need to at all) in order to take the proper courses and search for professional/graduate schools if it is required of me. I may even look into what being a Park Naturalist consists of and see if I may be interested in that.