
In the conversation I had with my mentor, Jessie Novotny, I learned that she did not have an intended major as an incoming freshman. She did communicate with faculty members which guided her decision to choose Forest, Fishery and Wildlife as a major. The classes that were most difficult for her were calculus and chemistry. How she advises handing difficult classes such as these is by going to office hours of both the professors and the teacher’s assistant. She found out that she actually enjoyed doing her calculus homework in the teacher’s assistant’s lounge so in case she needed help, it was conveniently accessible. Along with the lounge, she also discovered that she enjoyed studying at Orton due to the availability of space and places to study which is not always provided as much inside of Thompson.

Jessie has actually chosen many ways and organizations to become involved on campus. Her most favorite is TerrAqua, but the others include: Fish and Wildlife, Sustainable Director of MTAB, Hospitality for the Newman Center (which is similar to an organization beck in her home town), and finally ENR Scholars. Because of Jessie’s involvement with her scholars program, she has been able to be involved in volunteer work.

Since Jessie has joined the ENR scholars program, she has noticed her growth, especially within her second year of involvement. The mentor counsel position that she has taken has given her leadership skills, along with contributing to her resume. Another way she knows she has grown within the program is because during her first year of involvement, she thought it was overwhelming and intimidating, she doesn’t think that as much with where she is today. She is actually quite glad she of being a part of the mentor counsel because it made her be more appreciative of the program, more specifically during the second semester of her freshman year. She advises making the most of the ENR scholars program by going to events with a good mindset and making connections with other members and the faculty.

After graduation, Jessie would like to enter the workforce and pursue her dream job which is a Park Ranger. Specifically, she wants to be an interpretive National Park Ranger because for one, it is a much larger scale job than just an ordinary park ranger. Secondly, she wants to be very interactive with people and teach them about nature. If Jessie’s dream job does not work out, she knows that there are many more options to choose from, and she also knows that opportunities will present themselves.

How Jessie recommends balancing academics and involvement is setting actual time to study, and not dragging the time you choose the study. This will be the cause of someone not studying effectively, instead they’re just wasting their time with thinking that they are actually studying. One of the most important things Jessie has learned while attending OSU is that people and things will change, however it is okay if that does happen. Some advice she wishes she would have received when she was a freshman was to take of herself physically and also figuring out her anti-stressors and doing them consistently.

What I have learned from my conversation with Jessie is that it is perfectly fine to not be absolutely sure as to what you want to do with your life as soon as you enter college. The more you get involved with groups and organizations pertaining to your interests, the easier it is to not only find yourself more but also you find those things which bring you relaxation and peace which everyone needs in order to escape academics for some time. Something I learned about the ENR scholars program was that the events bring you closer to the other members in the program and the faculty members. So this encourages me to not hesitate or be fearful of signing up for more events within the program. What I learned most from Jessie was related to careers and how it is fine if your first plan of occupation does not work out. She made me realize that there are many more options offered and sooner or later the right one will come along. She also made me realize that things will change and people will change along with those things. I see more as adapting because every college freshman is entering a world they have not explored before and therefore change must happen.