February 17, 2021: Discuss possible future topics
We reviewed past PICC meetings and discussed possible topics for future PICC meetings. Some topics included: Coding best practices, power calculations (with examples in PASS), grant writing, instrument design, analysis of survey data, time management, and support for promoting best practices on out projects and knowing when and how to walk away if needed.
March 24, 2021: Time and Project Management
Given the many different of projects that we work on, discussion focused on multiple tips and strategies. For project management, communication with collaborators to set up realistic expectations for timing of deliverables is key. Last minute requests may be difficult to complete in the time requested.
April 21, 2021: Open Topic
We discussed changes in the Center and future directions, including returning to the office and potentially starting a Biostatistics Seminar Series. Members from the Center have also been volunteering at the Schottenstein Center, the COVID vaccination site.
May 12, 2021: Overview of Grants
There was a brief overview of different grant types. Members from the Center shared their experiences related to scope of work, time required, and funding available.
July 21, 2021: Mentoring
The Center has been expanding, and to help orient new members, we started with a brief history of PICC and reviewed the goals and topics covered. We then discussed the importance of mentoring and having time to learn how to be a good mentor.
August 25, 2021: Statistical Analysis Plans
Clinical trials require specified analysis plan before the study can begin. Observations studies also benefit from a pre-specified analysis plan. A good analysis plan helps to ensure that the analysis answers the specific research question and can hep prevent falling into the trap of never ending additional analysis when initial results are disappointing.
September 29, 2021: Reporting Guidelines
Complete reporting helps to ensure accurate understanding of reserach. The Equator Network has become the leading source for reporting guidelines. Many journals now require authors to use appropriate reporting guidelines when submitting manuscripts. These are a good reference for best practices in reporting and can also help when designing a study and analysis.
October 20, 2021: Other Support and Biosketches
December 1, 2021: Using Teams for Collaborative Projects
One of the benefits of Teams is the ability to share folders and files securely without using email. OSU offers online training courses to help facilitate efficient use of this tool. With Teams, Documents can be edited my more than one person at the same time, just make sure all edits get merged. The chat feature can help cut back on emails and the calendars on Teams and outlook can sync. For the most up to date information visit go.osu.edu/m365.