2022 Meetings

January 26, 2022: Power Calculations Part I

This was a broad overview of power calculations/sample size determination. When planning a study, we need to justify the sample size. Sometimes this entails a formal calculation. However, for pilot studies the goal is not to identify a specific treatment effect and hence sample size justification is usually determined by how many participants can be recruited in a certain time frame. Additionally, basic science studies tend to require smaller samples sizes compared to human subjects studies due to less variability.

February 18, 2022: Power Calculations Part II


March 2, 2022: Power Calculations Part III

For a solid power/samples size calculation, we need information from the PI. We discussed what to do then that information isn’t available including discussing the balance of cost of treatment agains clinically meaningful differnces between groups.

May 27, 2022: Planning future topics


June 15, 2022: Open Mic

It’s annual review time! The group provided valuable feedback for how they fill out their review forms, track accomplishments throughout the year, and set goals for the year. We also talked about Horizon, a remote log in option to faster computing.

August 24, 2022: Data sources

We discussed the benefits of leading a PICC meeting and our tentative schedule for the rest of the year. Then we discussed using different data sources, such as the electronic medical record or registry data, and how they each have their own strengths and limitations.

October 26, 2022: Data cleaning and version control

November 16, 2022: Time estimation and juggling projects