What is the meaning of life?
This is something that humans have wrestled with for centuries. What is the point of our existence? Do our lives really have meaning? If you ask philosopher Todd May, he would tell you that it’s a complex question, which requires a complex answer. He cautions that we should not expect it to be a simple answer, but rather this is a question that needs attacked with judgement, perception and reflection. May suggests that we can find meaning in our lives by capturing certain narrative values. He describes Narrative values as underlying themes used to describe human lives. These are what he says, “illuminate styles that are worth living”. This is a way to find meaning within our lives, rather than beyond them. Trying to find a meaning beyond our lives is purely too objective. This probably wouldn’t suffice for Albert Camus, a fellow philosopher, who wanted answers from the silent universe. Rather, this is our own way of providing an answer for ourselves. After all, aren’t we the ones who determine the meaning of our lives anyway? I like the answer Todd May gives us. It allows us to give us more of a subjective view. May also disagrees with another philosopher , Susan Wolf. He disagrees when Wolf says for lives to be meaningful someone must be engaged in successful projects. May gives another perspective because he emphasizes pursuing projects of positive value. He realizes that not all projects are meaningful, but the pursuit of them should not be robbed of meaning if they are unsuccessful. I think he has many good points in his theory. In his explaining narrative values, he gives examples such as living an intense life, everything someone does is done with a lot of emotion. He points to Jimi Hendrix as an example, he lived his life to be an intense musician and that is admirable. May believes Hendrix lived a meaningful life because he was able to live in such a way. When I die, I want my life to have felt meaningful to me, and I hope others will be able to see that as well. So this gets me thinking what my narrative values are and I was able to come up with a really good list.
This is one word that I think would describe the life I have lived. My parents raised me to treat others well and I think I have exemplified that. It’s a simple thing that not everyone seems to be able to do. I’m not an argumentative person, and I respect others’ opinions. This is a good narrative value to me because it leaves a mark on other people. I always want to leave a good impression on everyone I meet.
Growing up, this may have been one of the most common things I was exposed to, generous people. It kind of rubbed off on me. All of my friends and their families were always so nice to me, and treated me really well when I would visit, so I just thought that’s how people were. I’m glad it rubbed off on me, because being selfish is something that I do not envy. This is something that I would want people to describe me as, because I think it really speaks to someone’s character. Giving to those in need in often overlooked but it’s something I don’t mind doing. Helping friends out in any way possible, it really makes me feel good and I would want to be remembered having this quality.
Being relentless is something admirable in my mind. I am relentless in the pursuit of my goals. The immediate goal now is to graduate college. However the previous goal was to get accepted in to my major. Coming to Ohio State was a challenge because I didn’t always apply myself in high school, so this was a new challenge. But once I got to college and realized my goals were right in front of me, I’ve been determined to achieve everything I want to. I put in the hours of studying and working to pay my own bills. Being a student and working to live on your own is a very tough task that took me by surprise. But the relentless need to achieve the goals I set for myself helps me overcome anything I set my mind to. The feeling of reaching your goals is a feeling matched by no other. Achieving one of them won’t stop, there are always goals to reach. I put in a relentless effort to keep my body in shape, earn the money I need to survive, and to keep my grades up. Some goals after college would be to start a family and never have to struggle with money or paying bills, and I will pursue those goals, and even more afterwards, just as relentlessly as my past goals.
To me, integrity is representing yourself and your family in an admirable way. This is who you are deep to the core as a person. What you do when no one else is watching, the really tough decisions that you have to make in life, your integrity influences those all. I want people to be able to say that I lived with integrity. We all make mistakes but over the course of a life time, our integrity can be accurately measured. Sometimes it’s how you responded to adverse situations that can reveal your integrity. It shows through in tough times. I’ve made mistakes, but I’ve been able to bounce back and live a life that I’ve been proud of so far. I think other people can see that, and for those who really know me, they would say I have integrity. I can give my life meaning by living with integrity.
Subtlety is something about myself that is unique to my personality. I’m not the type of person to be in someone else’s face to encourage them or tell them what they are doing wrong. I’m all for letting people make their own decisions. If I’m asked to give advice I will give my own opinion, but I have a laid back personality so this fits me well. The best example that comes to my mind when hearing this word is thinking of someone who leads by example rather than trying to control everyone. I was once the captain on my high school football team and if I wanted people to work hard I would engage in behavior that portrayed that. I feel like if people see their leader doing something they will follow along. That’s really how you earn respect. I’d rather be someone who kept his mouth shut and worked hard for people to notice rather than talking and bragging about how hard I work. That’s what I mean by subtlety and I am happy that it is one of my narrative values.
Being spontaneous is what makes life fun. Too often we get caught up in the routine of life and sometimes miss out on doing different things. It can be such a variety of things, from trying different foods or going out and meeting new people. Someone who is spontaneous is someone who is a “spur of the moment” type of person. When given a chance to mix it up and do something different with friends I gladly take that. It’s fun seeing new things. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, in my case we just like to explore the city around us and go to different stores or venues. It helps keep life entertaining when you’re not stuck in the routine of everyday life.
The first words that come to mind when I think of this narrative value are excitement and exploration. I’m someone who’s always down for an adventure. I like to be active and seeing what the world has to offer. Trying new things and living on the edge gives a rush comparable to no other feeling. Things exploring new trails, hiking mountains, and skydiving are some things that come to my mind when someone says they are adventurousness. This is how I want to live, maybe a little reckless but overall I want a life full of excitement. With an adventurous personality there’s not much room for dull moments in life.
I think Todd May could look at this list of narrative values and say that this life has meaning. The list could be longer, but these are the most important narrative values that describe my life and make it meaningful. Whether or not someone else looks at these and feels the same way isn’t really important. This is why my life is meaningful to me, why is your life meaningful?