Thanks, so much, for visiting my site! My second greatest passion in life is teaching; my greatest passion is nursing. The combination of the two is the perfect pairing! I love to interact with others and learn from others. In learning from others, I have found that some of the greatest aspects of nursing are passed through the clinical teacher: learner relationship. As such, I am excited to continue to learn and teach!
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This is a great opener with a wonderful graphic. It describes your motivation for teaching.
Thoughts to consider for expansion….Why are these things your passion? What helps you to know if your teaching is effective? or how will you know if your passion is being fulfilled?
1. Jen, I was thinking that I would be able to comment on each page however, I am not seeing where to comment on the other pages, thus, I have returned for a second time to comment with feedback regarding the other pages.
2. Overall, the blog is organized with pages and easy to locate content. You have inserted graphics that enhance the content. Teaching Experience and Teaching Philosophy are easily found in your site and are included in our rubric for this assignment. One can infer your teaching style from your “Experiences” page but you may want to be more direct for the assignment purpose. In regards to “Education Concepts” I am wondering if what you put at the end of your “Experiences” page regarding the four major topics that you like to teach, as well as, the Gaberson and Student Strengths information could be moved to the “Education Concepts” page. Are there any additional theories or frameworks that drive how you teach? Maybe include these.
3. Please review the comments from your Home page. I am wondering if it is helpful to include just a bit more about your personal history. From my perspective I believe that a bit of personal history provides context for the passions in which you describe for teaching and nursing. It could be included on the “About Me” page.
4. I am wondering, in the spirit of your expressed desire to expand content, if there are any additional times that you taught as part of your roles at Denison, in your current degree program, or when you studied abroad? Are there any times in the NICU that you do anything on a unit level which requires teaching? If any of these apply, then consider adding content.
5. Finally, on your “Experiences” page I cannot see the rest of YOUR content for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters and I do not see any content from you regarding the “Flying Horse Farms”. Do you have DREAMS for teaching?? You could include if you like.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this feedback. I am happy to help. In addition to my email, my phone number is 937 520 8954.
You have a great start! I really like the introduction page. On your about me page, you may want to include work experiences as well. Do you have any self reflection or specific examples you can include with your teaching? I would also add in your teaching proposal with a brief explanation on why it is important to include. Also, think about including a goals page this could be teaching goals or career goals or both.