
Society Awards

Since 1932, Phi Kappa Phi has supported the educational pursuits of its members through robust award and grant programs. The Society awards more than $1 million each year to outstanding students, members, chapters and institutions.

We encourage members to learn more about each program by reviewing the eligibility requirements, application information, frequently asked questions, and more. There is a program for everyone!

Society Awards:

Chapter Awards

Dr. Ted R. Robinson Undergraduate Academic Enrichment Award

Awarded in honor of the late Dr. Ted R. Robinson, past president of The Ohio State University chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, former Assistant Vice President for Regional Campuses, and former Vice President for Student Affairs, this chapter scholarship award is provided to encourage and enable recipients to undertake projects designed to enrich their undergraduate academic programs. They include such pursuits as study abroad, research, internships, creative arts/literary projects, etc.

To apply for the award in the 2025-2026 academic year: 

  • Complete the online Robinson application by Friday, May 2, 2025
  • Email a copy of your OSU advising report to wenning.63 at with the subject line PKP Robinson OSU Advising Report
  • The faculty recommender should email the letter of support directly to wenning.63 at with the subject line PKP Robinson Letter of Support
  • Consult the online Robinson application for additional details

Dr. Louise B.C. Vetter Graduate Student Enrichment Award

Awarded in honor of the late Dr. Louise B.C. Vetter, a dedicated scholar and charter Phi Kappa Phi member, this chapter scholarship award is provided to encourage and enable recipients to undertake or help complete projects designed to enrich their graduate academic programs. They include such pursuits as study abroad, research, internships, creative arts/literary projects, etc.

To apply for the award in the 2025-2026 academic year: 

  • Complete the online Vetter application by Friday, May 2, 2025
  • Email a copy of your OSU advising report to wenning.63 at with the subject line PKP Vetter OSU Advising Report
  • The faculty recommender should email the letter of support directly to wenning.63 at with the subject line PKP Vetter Letter of Support
  • Consult the online Vetter application for additional details