ASHP Mid-Year

Hi all!

This week I would like to talk with you about national conferences! As Victoria stated last week, pharmacy organizations such as OPA, APhA, ASHP and NCPA hold national conferences every year to showcase developments, new literature and to recognize outstanding technicians and pharmacists in their specialized fields! These conferences last several days and incorporate and attract hundreds if not thousands of attendees! It is a great way to branch out, meet new people and network with wonderful people in our profession!

In December, I was fortunate enough to attend Mid-Year, ASHP’s national conference in Orlando, FL! It was an amazing time traveling with my classmates to attend a conference focused on hospital pharmacy, which is where our passions are! (Getting out of Ohio’s cold weather was obviously a plus, too!)

National conferences host an array of activities that participants can attend such as workshops, lectures from distinguished speakers, poster presentations from pharmacy interns and pharmacy residents, as well as a Residency Showcase, which is the focus for a lot of P3 and P4 students. The Showcase shines light on many of the country’s terrific residency programs, and students have the opportunity to speak with program directors to find out more about those respective programs. As a current P2, it was neat to walk through the Showcase and learn more about the soecifics of these residency programs. I’m still undecided on what part of hospital pharmacy I would like to specialize in, so I really appreciated being able to see various programs and what they have to offer!

While we were in Orlando, we sat in on various lectures, including one about applying for residencies and the matching process, a focused lecture on a pharmacist’s soon to be role in medical marijuana, antibiotic resistance and how to combat this issue in hospitals with a push for more culture and sensitivity tests. It was refreshing to see different facets of pharmacy being addressed! It was a wonderful opportunity to attend a national conference!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

All the best,


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