Hey Everyone!
When applying to pharmacy school, you’re most likely going to be using Pharmcas. Pharmcas is an online application site that most pharmacy schools use. Here is a quick checklist to help you prepare your application.
- Go to www.pharmcas.com and create a Pharmcas login account
- Contact your college to obtain your transcripts. Use the Pharmcas Transcript Request Form to help you organize this. Be sure to include ALL transcripts if you attended multiple institutions. If possible, request a personal copy for step 3.
- After you have obtained your personal transcript, enter all of your coursework into Pharmcas. When doing this you must calculate your GPA, but don’t worry there is a tutorial on their website to help you 🙂
- If you have taken the PCAT already, find your PCAT CID and enter it. If you have not taken the PCAT yet, you will receive this ID afterwards.
- Once you have found your references (you can have up to 4) enter their information under the references tab. Be sure to let them know they will be receiving an email from Pharmcas where they will submit the letter electronically.
- Check the deadlines for the colleges that you want to apply to because they are all different. Be sure to submit your payment and application before this deadline!
- Check your email frequently for reminders from Pharmcas. Most Pharmacy Schools will also be sending you supplemental applications in your email that you must complete by the deadline as well.
- If you are still taking classes, don’t forget to update that information once you are finished and send in your transcript to Pharmcas!
- Please save a copy of your application on your computer or print it just in case 🙂
- Check Pharmcas at least once a week after you have submitted your application to check on it’s progress.
Please don’t be scared by all of this information, once you login you will find that Pharmcas is easy to navigate and there are many tutorials to help you complete your application properly. I suggest starting your application the earliest time possible as it may take you awhile to complete. This will also give your references more time to submit their letters 🙂 If you have any other questions please feel free to email me at johnson.4816@osu.edu . Good luck and congratulations on taking your first step towards pharmacy school!