Syllabus Repository

A non-comprehensive but relatively complete compilation of syllabi for grad course offerings over the years. Listed below are first-year courses as well as some commonly taken advanced courses. If you have syllabi you do not see here then please email them, in .pdf, to the PGSC at:, for them to be included.

First-Year Courses

Math Methods in Physics (PHYS 7701)

Electromagnetic Field Theory (PHYS 7401)

Quantum I (PHYS 7501)

Quantum II (PHYS 7502)

Statistical/Classical Mechanics I (PHYS 7601)

Statistical/Classical Mechanics II (PHYS 7602)

  • Spring 2024–To Be Published
  • Spring 2023–Trivedi
  • Spring 2022–Trivedi
  • Spring 2021–Randeria
  • Spring 2020–Braaten*
  • Spring 2019–None Available
  • Spring 2018–Carpenter

Advanced Courses

  • Quantum Field Theory I (PHYS 8808)
  • Quantum Field Theory II (PHYS 8808)
  • Condensed Matter I (PHYS 8806)
  • Condensed Matter II (PHYS 8806)
  • Spin, Charge, and Heat Transport (ME 8603)
  • Quantum Many Body Theory (PHYS 8820)
  • Computational Physics (PHYS 6810)
  •  Dynamics (AST 8870)
  • Numerical and Statistical Methods in Astrophysics (AST 8824)

*Syllabi are not available in pdf format yet