What year are you in?
I’m in my fourth year.
What group are you in?
Prof. Mohit Randeria.
Where are you from?
Bhopal, India.
Describe your research in 200 words or fewer.
My research lies in theoretical condensed-matter physics, at the intersection of topology, superconductivity, and strong correlations. I study model systems to gain insight that can potentially be relevant for quantum materials and future technologies. Over the last few years, I have worked on flat-band superconductivity and strange-metal transport in twisted bilayer graphene. Somewhat recently, I have started working on magnetism. I’m exploring the interplay of spin-orbit-induced Berry curvature and chiral magnetic textures in heavy metal/magnetic insulator bilayer systems.
What have you done in physics that you are most proud of?
A couple of years back, we derived an intrinsic upper bound on superconducting Tc in 2D, Tc/Tf < 1/8, where Tf is the Fermi temperature. The bound has now been seen experimentally. In two different materials, two independent groups have found the maximum Tc/Tf to be 0.1 and 0.12. Looking back, the time I spent on fixing factors of 2 was probably all worth it!
What have you done outside of physics that you are most proud of?
I am a novice mountain biker. Last Fall, I completed the Alum Creek trail under an hour.
What are your future goals?
My long-term goal is to be in academia.