My first semester at Ohio State has been a whirlwind, but I have enjoyed every second of my time here. Every aspect of college life was different than what I had expected. My classes proved to be one of the biggest adjustments for me. This semester I took calc 2, general chemistry, Spanish 1, a freshman survey, and a seminar for my Bio Sci Scholars program. The amount of homework and studying was overwhelming at first, but I got into a routine with each class by the end of the semester. The set up of college classes taught me many time management skills that I previously did not have. Overall, I think I did well in my classes, but I would like to improve in my classes next semester. Along with classes, dorm life was another new and exciting thing that I had to become acclimated to. I learned how to live and cooperate with my roommate in very close quarters while also getting to know her since we had met for the first time on move in day. We have gotten closer as the semester has gone on, and I would now consider her one of my closest friends. I also made so many amazing friends on my floor who I spend most of my time with. I enjoy living in Columbus, and I love the campus which I have finally found my way around.