Original Inquiry

To me, original inquiry means participating in research projects and pursuing your own creative ideas. I think that original inquiry is important to my own future career in the medical field because there is so much research that goes into new treatments, medications, vaccines, diseases, etc. The medical field relies on research in all areas to make improvements in existing medical practices and to create completely new methods, techniques, technology, and treatments that advance the field. There is also a lot of research that goes into diseases and cancers that do not yet have a cure or an effective treatment plan. Since I plan to work in the medical field in the future, it is important for me to understand the research process and get involved with research on campus, so I can understand that aspect of the medical field. I would like to start working in a research lab on campus to fulfill the area of original inquiry in my own life. I have started looking into different research projects of professors on campus so that I can find something I am truly interested in and passionate about. After my time working at The James Cancer Center, I have become interested in cancer research. I plan to start contacting the head researchers of some of the projects I am interested in to try to obtain a position in a lab. Participation in research is also important for medical school applications which will help me in my goal to get accepted and go to medical school after I graduate.

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