Armyworm (True)
- Larva
- Whorl Damage
Corn Earworm
- Variations of prothorax of larvae
- Fully grown larvae
- Head of larva
- Hartstack pheromone trap
- Heliothis pheromone trap
Corn Leaf Aphid
- Aphid on tassel
- Aphid on leaf
- On ear of corn
- Feeding on husk
Corn Rootworm
- Silk-clipping damage
- Leaf feeding damage
European Corn Borer
- Blacklight trap
- Adult male and female
- Fully grown larva
Sap Beetle
- Larvae feeding
- Larva with head visible
- Larva feeding
Stalk Borer
- Larva
Stewart’s Wilt (Vectored by Corn Flea Beetle)
- Plant with symptoms
Stink Bug
- Adult
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Adults and nymphs
- Damage
- Damage
- Damage
- Damage
- Damage