- Alternative natural rubber crops: Why should we care?
- Chloroplast genome resources and molecular markers differentiate rubber dandelion species from weedy relatives
- Taraxacum kok-saghy (TK): compostional analysis of a feedstock for natural rubber and other products
- Temporal diversity of Taraxacum kok-saghyz plants reveals high rubber yield phenotypes
- Colchine-induced polyploidy has potential to improve rubber yield in Taraxacum kok-saghyz
- Improved axenic hydroponic whole plant propagation for rapid production of roots as transformation target tissue
- Genome size variation among common dandelion accessions informs their mode of reproduction and suggests the absence of sexual diploid in North America
- Progress in Direct Seeding of an Alternative Natural Rubber Plant, Taraxacum kok-saghyz (E.L. Rodin)
- Poster: Taraxacum kok-saghyz Field Establishment
- Poster: Impact of Drying Temperature on Rubber Yield of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Roots
- Poster: Thin Layer Drying Rate of Taraxacum kok-saghz Roots
- Poster: Effects of Root Washing, Culling, and Extraction Method on TK Rubber Yield and Purity
- Poster: Characterization of Inulin from Taraxacum kok-saghyz Roots
- Poster: Alkaline and Enzymatic Treatments for the Extraction of High Purity Natural Rubber from Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TK)
- Avoiding a rubber apocalypse – let’s grow our own (TEDxColumbus Video)
- Ohio State researchers work to solve global rubber shortage
- Natural history: Rubber dandelions
- Rubber & Plastic News: Hydroponics cultivation has high yield potential for TKS
- Rubber industry’s auto suppliers find inspiration in unlikely places
- Natural rubber biosecurity and biodiversification
- A rubber producing dandelion may mean a solution to deforestation problems in Asia
- Dandelions ruin your front yard, but could be the future of the rubber industry
- What’s the chance of herbicide resistant Buckeye Gold – the rubber dandelion industrial crop – jumping over to common dandelion?
- Scientist has high hopes for ‘Buckeye Gold’ dandelion