Fourth Round Prototype

Round Four of Prototyping:

For the fourth round of prototyping, the group, with the advice of Professors Abell and Lilly, realized that in order to convey the idea that was trying to be showcased would not be possible unless the scale of the prototypes made was not significantly increased. The result was this 8 foot wide by 6 foot tall mock wall to represent an interior wall of a food truck. To truly gain an appreciation for how a modular system would work it was necessary to look to the wall first. In the previous round the team became married to the module created. So much went into designing and creating it that the more important connection system and overall setup was brushed aside. The group’s view was far too narrow, and this was an attempt to fix that.


This was considered a great success for the step. The connection point needed to be reworked significantly, but this was the first time that the group’s big picture view was truly conveyed to the class. It was a great point to be at going into the final round of prototyping.


Full presentation for this round can be viewed here.