First Round Prototypes

Round 1 Prototype Pictures:

The pictures here detail the first round of tangible prototypes after moving beyond the sketch phase. Each group member proposed two versions of a concept that had been deemed worthy of extra investigation.

Tucker’s designs were for an intelligent/flexible unit to be placed in the refrigerator of a truck.

Collin was looking into dynamic storage and a new system to maximize wall space in a truck.

Jason made two designs that were looking to help customers manage holding several food items given the lack of table space around trucks and the tendency for people to order more than 3 items.

Nate was looking into trash compaction, in an attempt to help solve the waste management problem for some trucks.

The documentation submitted by the group can be found here.

Tucker’s Initial Concepts:

Collin’s Initial Concepts:

Jason’s Initial Concepts:

Nate’s Initial Concepts: